Tuesday 31 March 2015

Secrets on How to Become Wealthy

Wealth and comfort are so synonymous that it is somehow impossible to separate the two. Now when you consider the extent of hardship in this world it makes sense that people desire comfort. But there is no real way to find comfort in this world without wealth of your own. Learning how to become wealthy is useful arsenal in the war against poverty and insecurity.
Hard work and determination are the two most basic tools for success. Without a certain degree of hard work it might take a bit more time to achieve wealth as compared to when you're perseverant and energetic. Laziness and lack of motivation will only bring you down and disable your hopes.
A dream of success is best served when it is clear and plain. This way you know exactly what you want and need. But if you don't know why you're pursuing wealth you will struggle to maintain the necessary focus for success. Sit down and think hard about what you want and tell yourself that the only way you're going to achieve those things is by applying your heart; mind and energy towards that.
Business corporations startle people by the way they are able to amass such huge sums of wealth. They are almost everywhere you go in the world and they basically determine the extent of your freedom of choice. What makes such companies so successful is the fact that they encompass a number of individuals who have collected their efforts and decided to work towards a similar goal together. Align yourself with other businessmen and you will surely reach your goal a lot faster than if you go at it alone.
Skills relevant to your trade are inseparable from your business success. Be sure that you have mastered a particular skill crucial to the success of your business. Such expertise is important if you're going to please customers and increase your client base. Remember that every client wishes for that all knowing salesman, be that.
But success will be a near impossibility for you if you have a bad reputation; are dishonest and worse still if you're inefficient. Hate it or love it but those people who have succeeded did so because they established a good reputation early on. This is the key to longevity and wealth.
Find out how to become wealthy with this easy to follow fast wealth system.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3552837

Thursday 26 March 2015

Jack Canfield: How to Get Rich

How To Get Rich

How to Become Wealthy - The Real Way

I wondered this from about age 8 onwards. I felt poor and didn't want that for my future.
I decided that I'd go to uni and get a professional career and earn loads of money and that would do it. Nuh - uh.
That got me an average salary (can't believe I didn't check that before studying like crazy for 4 years at uni) and a mortgage.
It was only after I'd paid off the mortgage and wondered what to do next with my extra cash that I got enlightened, after going on a number of wealth creation courses. Do YOU wonder how to become wealthy?
Here is what I've found - as usual with me - there are 2 things:
1. It is by owning assets that grow in value over time.
2. These assets need to be in demand and saleable at the point that you decide to convert them into cash.
A person is not wealthy just because they have a grand house and a flash car or 2 or 3. A person is not wealthy just because they are on a huge income. A person IS wealthy because they own assets of significant value that can be sold for cash at any time. That's it.
Consider the big names - Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Gina Reinhart, Rupert Murdoch, the Packer family. They all own (and have often created) vast empires of businesses and property.
How are YOU going to become wealthy? How are YOU going to acquire assets that will grow and be convertible into cash?
1. You start by keeping some of the cash you earn.
2. Then you use that cash, and often other people's cash (borrowed money) to buy or create assets that grow faster than your cash will.
What kind of assets do you buy? Growth property, Growth Shares, Businesses/Company's with growth potential.
What kind of assets do you create? You can build or renovate property. You can create, or renovate a business. You can invent something that is of value to the world.
How do you know how to do this? You have to seek education and mentoring from people who have done it. Very few people can set out and do this well, without making costly mistakes, without this investment.
So in summary, all you have to do, to become wealthy is to
1. Want a certain level of wealth
2. Determine the best types of assets to invest in or create - depending on your identity and operating style.
3. Get help from an experienced source. I have a load of resources for you to do these 3 things. Check out the sidebar of my blog, or the products on my website.
How to become wealthy is no longer a mystery for you. Now you have to decide whether to take that first step.
My system (the money success system) involves designing your life as step 1. In order to want a certain level of wealth, you need to have a good think about what you really want for your life. Once you know that any level of wealth is achievable, you have the freedom to design your life first. This then gives you your money target, and you're ready to move to step 2 and beyond, to make the money happen.
My personal story is that after I realized how to do it, I went and bought growth property, growth shares, and created businesses. I reached my 25 year target in 10 years. It wasn't difficult or complicated. I just followed the instructions I learned. And now I'm teaching them to people who know what they want out of life.
To your Money Success,
Glenda Nicholls is a Wealth Strategist, who connects people to their best strategies for wealth building, depending on their personal styles and situation. Her online educational and coaching programs make this knowledge accessible to all.
Glenda set a target for her net worth when she was in her 20's, and didn't have a clue how she was going to reach that multimillionaire goal. She reached in 20 years later - 15 years earlier than expected! She now helps others do the same.
Check out and subscribe to her blog: http://www.glendanicholls.com
Review her company website for resources and products: http://www.moneysuccesssystem.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6917042

Monday 23 March 2015

How to Become Wealthy at a Young Age - 3 Wealth Building Tips to Remember

Want to know how to become wealthy at a young age? Then this article might help. I'm not talking about young heirs or lottery winners. I'm talking about self-made names like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Chad Hurley of YouTube. Guys like them have made it big time despite their relatively young age!
If you want to learn how to become wealthy at a young age, break the barriers and see where life brings you, then these tips might help:
Wealth Building Tip # 1: Know Your Passion.
Following your passion is one thing. Knowing what it is in the first place is another. Most of the time, people aren't even aware of how much they can do with their talents.
For example, you might see your daily musings on your blog as just everyday recollections; but to others, you might have the potential to become the next J.K Rowling or the next John Grisham.
Sometimes, we just don't appreciate what we have until somebody else points it out for us. It's a matter of awareness. Everybody is talented and passionate about something. Take time off to see what yours are.
Wealth Building Tip # 2: Open Your Own Shop.
Many people who become wealthy at a young age attained their status by starting their own business. You can get a job with a high-ranking position and a good salary; but in the end, you're still just an employee.
By starting your own business, you get to call the shots. As for the profits - the sky's the limit. However, opening your own shop can be risky, too. After all, you're putting yourself on the line here.
Be smart with your decisions and investments. Get professional advice as much as you can before embarking on any business venture.
Wealth Building Tip # 3: Use Your Money Wisely.
If you want to become wealthy at a young age, you need to understand the importance of proper financial education and management. Even if you may have a lot of money now, you can lose them in the blink of an eye if you're not careful with your budgeting and financial decisions.
Learn to manage your money properly. Set aside a certain portion for savings and emergency purposes, a portion for investment opportunities, a portion for self-development, a portion for charity and a portion for your expenses.
And when it comes to using money, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It never does anybody any good to be frivolous when one's wealth is at stake.
These are just some of the proven tips on how to become wealthy at a young age. Everybody has their own strategy of course, but it wouldn't hurt to stick by these three very important points. Who knows, you just might end up on the next Forbes list.
Want to discover more secrets to attract unlimited wealth and prosperity to your life, just by making small changes in your thinking? Go to http://www.prosperityinsideout.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4158050

The New Rich: How to become wealthy

Today I want to talk to you a little bit about the new rich, and how to become wealthy. I've been reading "The Four Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferris and who wouldn't like one of those? But let's talk about the old rich first.
What is the old rich? When I was a kid my family preached to me, "Grow up, get an education, become something important. Be a doctor, be a lawyer, be an engineer, get a good job." Notice that word "good" job.
The idea was that we were supposed to go to college, get a good education, and go to work for a company, probably work for the same company for 45 years, retire with a gold watch and a pension, and then be able to do the things that we want to do with our life. And of course, we're 65 years old by then, retirement age. Now we're going to go start doing the things we want to do? Hardly!
Well, the new rich has turned that upside down. The concept of how to become wealthy has shifted from owning things to having freedom of time to do life on our terms. That old model doesn't work anymore. You can't trust going to work for a company and having a retirement plan. I have a friend who was a 767 check pilot. He flew commercial jets for 45 years. He taught other pilots how to fly commercial jets, yet he had to go back to work and supplement his retirement because his retirement got slashed in half by the airline. You would have thought he would be safe. Nobody's safe!
The idea of the old rich was to accumulate things. How to become wealthy had to do more with things than with life experiences.
The new rich is about living our life on our terms, about doing the things we want to do when we want to do them, and that may mean renting an apartment for six months in Buenos Aires, and it may mean traveling around the United States with our kids. It can mean a variety of different things. But it doesn't, necessarily mean accumulating things. It means doing things. It means accumulating memories, accumulating experiences, and having the time to do the things we want to do and the money to do them.
Now me personally, I'm not interested in big fancy houses and big fancy cars. I love to travel. I love to scuba dive. I love to snow ski and water ski, sail, backpack, hike, camp. Those are the things that I love to do, and I want a portfolio of memories to look back on my life when I'm too old to do those things anymore and remember all the things that I did.
"The Four Hour Work Week", can help point the direction for how you can live your life on your terms, and become wealthy by living life to the fullest and you can begin to do it today. And you can do it from anywhere in the world because in today's day and time, we don't need an office. We don't need a cubicle. We need a computer and an Internet connection. Learn to be an entrepreneur. Take control of your life.
Remember your thoughts are your previews of your life's coming attraction. Dream big my friend and be wealthy and free.
Visit my website http://lenmooney.com for more tips and tricks on how to become wealthy as an entrepreneur. Download my free e book, "Freedom Thru Entrepreneurship" or click on "WorkWithLen" to learn more about joining my team. You can do it, I can help

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8187611

Saturday 21 March 2015

How To Create a Wealthy Mindset - 21 Tips For More Money Prosperity Rich...

Develop the Mindset of the Wealthy

You’re in control of your life: things don’t happen by chance, they happen by choice. Taking full responsibility for your life is step one towards creating the life you dream of.
And when things don’t work out? Don’t blame or  criticise others, and don’t justify yourself. Just learn from it, keep on pushing ahead, and do better next time.
2. Rich People Play the Money Game to Win
If your aim is to “be comfortable financially”, you’re unlikely to ever be rich.
You have to aim to be rich to become rich.
3. Rich People Are Committed to Being Rich
If you wish to be rich, or you’d like to be rich… That’s not enough. You have to *commit* to being rich.
The moment it’s absolutely clear in your mind that you’ll create exceptional wealth, the universe will conspire to help you.
4. Rich People Think Big
How do you want to live your life? Do you want to play in the little leagues, in the minors or in the major leagues? It’s your choice.
I wholeheartedly believe that we can accomplish anything we can envision. But if you think small… You’ll accomplish small.
Think big my friend. It’s more fun, and it opens you up to a world of infinite possibilities.
If you want to get better at this, I encourage you to read The Magic of Thinking Big
5. Rich People Focus on Opportunities
Most things that happen to us can be seen as either opportunity or as an obstacle. It depends on what we focus on.
Rich people choose to see everything as a blessing, as a stepping stone for something greater.
What’s your outlook on things? Do you focus on finding opportunities or do you only see the risks & obstacles?
6. Rich People Admire Other Rich & Successful People
When you see a rich person, do you get jealous? Is there a point of resentment when you say “Check out that guy’s house/car?”
If you associate these negative feelings to wealth, you’re not likely to amass it yourself.
You have to associate positive feelings to wealth if you want to create it in your life.
These people were the architect of their wealth, and that’s worthy of our respect. Plus… when’s the last time jealousy got you anywhere?
7. Rich People Associate with Positive, Successful People
Modelling is one of the primary ways we learn. If you associate with positive & successful people, not only can you learn from them, but you’ll also start to think… “if they can do it, why can’t I?”
8. Rich People Are Willing to Promote Themselves & Their Value
Many of us have been conditioned to think that promoting ourselves is boastful and to be avoided.
But the reality is that most rich people are excellent promoters. They know how to promote themselves, their ideas and their products with enthusiasm.
Note: In 2008, Tim Ferriss was named by Wired.com as The Greatest Self-Promoter of All-Time
9. Rich People Are Bigger Than Their Problems
Everyone has problems. Things won’t always your way, no matter who you are. But it’s how you react to your problems that defines you.
When you face a problem, do you run away and give up? Or do you put your head down and find a solution?
The answer to these questions will go a long way towards determining the kind of life you’ll live.
10. Rich People Are Excellent Receivers
To earn large sums of money for your work & products, you must feel worthy of receiving large sums of money.
Here’s a great practice for improving your receiving skills: when someone offers you compliment, simply say accept and thanks. Don’t look for something to compliment the other person with.
11. Rich People Choose to Get Paid Based on Results
If you want to become rich, choose to work in a pay-for-performance environment: either in your own business or in a commission-based or bonus-based job.
If you’re confident in your ability, this arrangement will motivate you more and it will earn you a lot more money.
12. Rich People Think “Both” not “Either/Or”
Rich people understand that with creativity, it’s almost always possible to have the best both worlds.
This requires a particular mindset of cooperation and outside-the-box thinking, but it allows you to have our cake and eat it too.
Next time you’re faced with a tough choice… Be creative and try to find a way to have both.
13. Rich People Focus on Their Net Worth
Generally, when we think of wealth we think in terms of how much a person makes a in year . But wealth is much more than that. It’s one’s income, savings, investments, and cost of living.
It’s by optimizing these 4 elements that you can create extraordinary wealth.
14. Rich People Manage Their Money Well
This is fairly self-explanatory: to become rich you need to be serious about money management. Using your spare money optimally, avoiding credit card interest and only spending on useful things is a great place to start.
15. Rich People Have Their Money Work Hard For Them
Once you’ve got money saved up, INVEST it. Utilize tools like investment tracking software to monitor your results. There’s no reason to leave money sitting in your bank account. Passive income is an incredibly powerful wealth-creating vehicle and the sooner you get started, the better.
16. Rich People Act in Spite of Fear
This is certainly one of the most important items and a recurring theme on this blog. If you want to create your greatest life, you’ve GOT to tame the beast of fear.
Fear will never completely go away, but it’s the ability to “feel the fear & do it anyways” that separates those who create their dream life and those who simply  dream about it.
17. Rich People Constantly Learn & Grow
Knowledge + Action = Power. The more you know & apply in your chosen field, the more money you’ll earn.
That’s why I’ve embarked on an epic reading challenge this year, and why you should use all the tools at your disposal to learn something every day: blogs, books, courses,audiolearning and insightful conversation with people who know more than you.
But learning is not enough- make sure you apply these findings, experiment with them, and tweak as you go. That’s where the real power lies.


Creating great wealth is within your reach. It’s been done by many, many people before, and you can do it too. But as you’ve seen it requires us a particular mindset.
What’s the one item on this list you know you need to get better at?  Please share in the comments section! (For me, it’s #10, become a better receiver).
Here’s to becoming rich by doing what we love & by making other people’s life better,
Have a wonderful day,
PS If you’ve enjoyed this post, I think you’ll dig Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Please share this post, because that’s how more people can develop their “Millionaire Mindset”