Wednesday 30 September 2015

How To Be Wealthy In Life By Following Your Dreams

If you want results in your life then it all comes down to action. Seriously! Doing nothing, making no effort, yet expect to get results and be successful is just not going to happen. When on a passionate mission, you will turn up whether feel like it or not.
Here is a question for you. Do you act on ideas? Do you have plan to How To Be Wealthy In Life and to build a business opportunity? Can you provide a service to help people? If you are sitting there with all these thoughts and ideas going through your head saying maybe one day I will give it a ago probably means that day will never come. This is the reality.
Here is a story about a person acting on an idea - in fact a dream. This is about a women who grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. Stephanie got her bachelors in English back in 1997, married her childhood friend at 21 years old and had 3 children. She always had a thing about wanting to write but had no experience. After her first child, she wanted to be a stay at home mom. Her other job was a receptionist.
Here is a common life story; you have someone who wants to write, but doesn't. She loves her life as a mother.
At 33 years old, a story idea comes to her in a dream. She wakes up, takes action and writes her first short story - about 10 pages.
Let's be clear. Stephanie has no authority as a writer. She had never written anything before, nothing had ever been published. Nobody sees a writer in her and nobody cares. Despite this, Stephanie writes these 10 pages anyway.
This is a great example of might - power and possibility. This is playing big on the possibilities. When you play big, you never ever know what is in store for you.
Stephanie liked the story on the 10 pages so she wrote some more until it transformed into a complete novel. She was writing for enjoyment with no intension to publish.
However, she was persuaded to send her novel to a literature agent - someone found on the internet. She goes out to 15 agents; 5 correspondences become unanswered, 9 come back rejected - not good enough, no chance, no way! Still nobody cares - except her sister. On her last response, something positive.
8 publishers competed for the rights to publish the book back in 2003 and she signed a $750k for a 3 book deal. The books were about vampires and titled 'Twilight'. With now over 100 million copies sold globally, the annual earnings exceed $50 million.
What are you thinking right now? Are you saying "yeh, yeh, yeh! This sort of thing never happens to me." This was what was running through a stay at home mom. She had no vision to be the next Harry Potter woman.
When are you going to stop listening to the fear voice in your head? The one that say this will never happen to me. Stephanie Meyers nearly didn't write those first 10 pages. She nearly didn't send her book to a literature agency.
Why don't people act on ideas? Why do most people go to their grave with music still within them? Why do people who feel they want to do something feel inspired and in touch with their dream on one day, but in defeat by day 3. There are a number of different reasons for this. See if you resonate with any of these: 
  1. Giving up your days to deal with what is urgent as opposed to what matters.
  2. The crush of being overwhelmed - too much to do.
  3. Feeling Insecure and full of self doubt. Being fearful.
  4. The thought of failure
  5. Just playing it safe.
You are closer to reaching your dream than you may realise. Stephanie could have focused on urgent issues and could have taken her away from producing those 10 pages. She could have felt overwhelmed. She could have just played it safe.
Can you see how a close thing this was! This is a how close you could be to achieving something big. So what is stopping you? Take action and make it a daily habit to work on your dream. Start today.
We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I'm helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don't know it or know how.
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Monday 28 September 2015

Is There a Double Dip Recession? No Way Jose - Become Wealthy Instead

Spending Depends on Feeling Secure Financially
Regardless of today's statistics or of what the pundits say, there is a fear today that the stability of jobs, or of retirement income, or of the sufficiency of savings, will not be sufficient for a person's well being in the future. So people are reluctant to increase their spending and to demand more goods and services. Yet, people know what they want, and when the situation appears stable enough, they will make the expenditure. The longer this economic malaise goes on, the greater the pent up demand.
How Does One Become Wealthy?
The advantage of hindsight is a wondrous thing. Almost every one of us can look back to some time in the past and say, "If only I had bought "it" back then." If you had bought "it" back then, the price of the real estate, or stock or goods, would look very cheap in hindsight. Those that have the foresight and wisdom to commit when everyone else is fearful are usually the ones that appear so smart in hindsight. Great fortunes are made by those having the intestinal fortitude to take the plunge when others are running scared.
The trick of course is to know what to buy, and when to buy it. That is why one engages an investment advisor, or invests in a hedge fund when the ones investing your money also have their own money at risk.
What to Expect in the Near Future
There will be a period, perhaps a longer period, when the economy and the stock market, will sputter along and appear to be range bound. If you look at the history of the value of the stock market, or of any investment grade asset, there will be periods when the value shoots up at a fierce pace, and then falls back and periods when prices seem to be up and down within a relatively narrow range. We believe that we are currently range bound,
But a good undervalued stock will rise in a range bound market also, and if you are invested when the next big jump in value occurs, you will look very smart (in hindsight). Make no mistake. History's patterns repeat themselves.
How Downturns Turn Into Prosperity
It is a sad truth that when a severe downturn occurs, the pain to so many is very real. However, like all things, we tend to generalise. Some, who are badly hurt in a downturn, suffer for extended periods and some never recover.
But what really happens is that in the carnage of each downturn, the seeds of the next big deal are sown. Some of the people and companies of this downturn will never recover. But some will recognise the next big wave and jump in that direction. Those people will ride the next big crest and become fabulously wealthy. The world will forget those who were devastated and will recognise the winners and flag bearers of the next big wave.
And until the next downturn, the economic wealth and spending power of those new fabulously rich, will be considered and reported as prosperity.
Economic Cycles Continue
Think back to each previous cycle. Let me mention just a few of them. Did the railroads produce great wealth? Yet who considers railways the big deal today? Did communications (telegraph, then telephone, then cable, then fibres, then satellites and so on) produce great wealth? Yes, each succeeding wave brought new wealth to new people. Did computers produce major wealth creations like IBM? Was Yahoo revolutionary? Did the internet spawn thousands of rich companies before the crash of 2000? Did Google wow us all? Is social networking the big deal? And so on. Cycle after cycle.
Each time, those who waited and jumped on the bandwagon late in the cycle, got hurt as that particular cycle collapsed. And rapidly thereafter, a new big thing caught fire and new wealth was created.
Downturns always occur. To be afraid of a double dip will blind you to future prosperity. The next big wave always occurs (except when war or similar catastrophes interfere).
Hedge Funds are in the business of always searching for the next big thing. A good hedge fund manager should help you jump on the next big thing before you can recognise it.
And by the way, the economy has not really recovered yet so there will be no double dip. The economy will struggle and be a little better or a little worse until the next big thing creates a new class of wealthy people.
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Sunday 27 September 2015

How to Become Wealthy in Network Marketing - 7 Things You Must Know

Becoming wealthy in network marketing is a big goal for many people who get started in this industry. Unfortunately not a lot of people know exactly what they need to do to make this goal a reality. Based on my experience I have been able to learn 7 things you must know in order to get on the right path of achieving this goal.
#1 Choose An Affordable And Legit Company
You have to make sure that you choose an affordable and legit company so you will get started on the right track. This is going to save you a lot of money and give you peace of mind because you know that your company is not going to disappear on you.
#2 Join Under A Helpful And Supportive Upline
Before you join an opportunity you have to make sure that you dig up information on the person who you are joining under. Make sure that this person is going to help you and be supportive once you get involved in the business.
#3 Master The Method Of Article Marketing
Make sure that you master the method of article marketing because this is a powerful promotional method that will only require your time. It is very effective and brings results because it helps you get in front of the people who are interested in what your business has to offer.
#4 Make A Daily Schedule To Follow Consistently
Making a daily schedule is going to help you stay focused on the things that must be done in order for you to get your desired results. The more consistent you are the better results you are going to get.
#5 Train Your Downline Effectively
Once you start getting people to sign up in your business you will eventually have a good amount of people in your downline. You must make sure that you train these people so that they are able to build their business because remember you will benefit from their effort.
#6 Be Loyal To Your Company
There are going to be many other companies that will come your way and many people who will try to recruit you. It is very important that you remain loyal to your company if you want to be successful.
#7 Never Give Up
One of the worst mistakes that many network marketers end up making is giving up and quitting their business. You have to make sure that you never give up because this means that you completely failed at your business. There will be times when things may seem down but remember that the good times will come as long as you stay determined on moving forward.

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Saturday 26 September 2015

How To Become Wealthy Starting Today

Why is it that everyone wishes for wealth yet so few attain it?
It's not because they are not smart enough. It's not because they are not educated enough, and it's not because they don't work hard enough. On the contrary, most people already work too hard.
Why is Wealth Elusive?
The truth is that most people already posses all the qualities they need to attain wealth. So, why is wealth so elusive?
It comes down to not following a plan, a system, a method to accumulate wealth.
Call it what you like, but it's a fairly simple way of living that leads to wealth, and the overwhelming majority of people do not follow it.
You Need a Goal And a Plan
We've all heard it before. You must have a goal to become wealthy, and you must have a plan. It's as simple as that.
The catch is that all the plans and desire for wealth in the world usually lead you nowhere.
What's needed is a basic approach to daily life that results in small increments towards wealth.
Spend Less Than You Earn
In its most basic form it means that no matter what your earnings are, what your wages are, you must spend less than you earn. As Benjamin Franklin put it, "a penny saved is a penny earned."
Pretty simple, right? And you've heard it all before.
The key to wealth is to implement this simple process every single day, no matter what life throws at you. We all have obligations that seem to be just beyond what we earn, but we have to cope with these things.
In order to follow the plan outlined here, you have to spend less than you earn. The common wisdom is to spend no more than 80 percent of what you earn. The remaining 20 percent of your income should be invested in wealth producing vehicles.
Pay Yourself First
The way you ensure you're doing this is "to pay yourself first." You are the most important recipient of the money you earn, so pay yourself first.
You must have first claim over what you earn, so don't cheat yourself by standing at the end of the line of people taking a bite out of your earnings... pay yourself first.
Which investments to make is beyond the scope of this discussion. There are safe, well above average ways of investing to grow your wealth. You just need to do sufficient research and evaluate the opportunities you discover.
Caution And Common Sense
But use caution and common sense. Study the methods of wealthy people you know, or read about. Learn from the methods they used to accumulate wealth.
Youth Is A Great Advantage
The best time to put this plan into action is when you are young. If you learn, if you really understand the power of compounding interest, you will see what an incredible advantage you have if you are young and put these wealth creation concepts to work.
However, all the advise and recommendations will not help you unless you put what you learn into practice, staring today.
Get Started Today
Do not wait for the perfect time to get started. Do not fool yourself that you can't start now, that you have to wait till next month, or next year when you expect to be earning more money.
What will happen is that when that time comes, you will have still greater obligations to cope with.
Start now. There never will be a better time than now. The sooner you start, the sooner you adjust to living on 80 percent of what you earn, the sooner you will see that 20 percent you save and invest growing, compounding into astonishing wealth over time.
If you find yourself at another stage in your life, if you are approaching retirement, or even in retirement, you can still make this system work for you. It's never too soon to get started, and it's never too late. Just start now.
There never will be any time but now, so get started now.
No Need For Self-Denial
This method of accumulating wealth is not about great sacrifices. It's not about self-denial. It's about living sensibly, it's about paying yourself first.
Then taking care of necessities, including well deserved vacations, and other personal luxuries you enjoy.
These are also an important part of your life. Just be smart and creative to maximize the use of that 80 percent of what you earn.
Free From Financial Stress
As the weeks, moths and years go by, you will discover you have achieved a life free of financial stress. That's a prerequisite for a happy life.
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Wednesday 23 September 2015

How to Become Wealthy - The Real Way

I wondered this from about age 8 onwards. I felt poor and didn't want that for my future.
I decided that I'd go to uni and get a professional career and earn loads of money and that would do it. Nuh - uh.
That got me an average salary (can't believe I didn't check that before studying like crazy for 4 years at uni) and a mortgage.
It was only after I'd paid off the mortgage and wondered what to do next with my extra cash that I got enlightened, after going on a number of wealth creation courses. Do YOU wonder how to become wealthy?
Here is what I've found - as usual with me - there are 2 things:
1. It is by owning assets that grow in value over time.
2. These assets need to be in demand and saleable at the point that you decide to convert them into cash.
A person is not wealthy just because they have a grand house and a flash car or 2 or 3. A person is not wealthy just because they are on a huge income. A person IS wealthy because they own assets of significant value that can be sold for cash at any time. That's it.
Consider the big names - Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Gina Reinhart, Rupert Murdoch, the Packer family. They all own (and have often created) vast empires of businesses and property.
How are YOU going to become wealthy? How are YOU going to acquire assets that will grow and be convertible into cash?
1. You start by keeping some of the cash you earn.
2. Then you use that cash, and often other people's cash (borrowed money) to buy or create assets that grow faster than your cash will.
What kind of assets do you buy? Growth property, Growth Shares, Businesses/Company's with growth potential.
What kind of assets do you create? You can build or renovate property. You can create, or renovate a business. You can invent something that is of value to the world.
How do you know how to do this? You have to seek education and mentoring from people who have done it. Very few people can set out and do this well, without making costly mistakes, without this investment.
So in summary, all you have to do, to become wealthy is to
1. Want a certain level of wealth
2. Determine the best types of assets to invest in or create - depending on your identity and operating style.
3. Get help from an experienced source. I have a load of resources for you to do these 3 things. Check out the sidebar of my blog, or the products on my website.
How to become wealthy is no longer a mystery for you. Now you have to decide whether to take that first step.
My system (the money success system) involves designing your life as step 1. In order to want a certain level of wealth, you need to have a good think about what you really want for your life. Once you know that any level of wealth is achievable, you have the freedom to design your life first. This then gives you your money target, and you're ready to move to step 2 and beyond, to make the money happen.
My personal story is that after I realized how to do it, I went and bought growth property, growth shares, and created businesses. I reached my 25 year target in 10 years. It wasn't difficult or complicated. I just followed the instructions I learned. And now I'm teaching them to people who know what they want out of life.
To your Money Success,
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Tuesday 22 September 2015

The New Rich: How to Become Wealthy

Today I want to talk to you a little bit about the new rich, and how to become wealthy. I've been reading "The Four Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferris and who wouldn't like one of those? But let's talk about the old rich first.
What is the old rich? When I was a kid my family preached to me, "Grow up, get an education, become something important. Be a doctor, be a lawyer, be an engineer, get a good job." Notice that word "good" job.
The idea was that we were supposed to go to college, get a good education, and go to work for a company, probably work for the same company for 45 years, retire with a gold watch and a pension, and then be able to do the things that we want to do with our life. And of course, we're 65 years old by then, retirement age. Now we're going to go start doing the things we want to do? Hardly!
Well, the new rich has turned that upside down. The concept of how to become wealthy has shifted from owning things to having freedom of time to do life on our terms. That old model doesn't work anymore. You can't trust going to work for a company and having a retirement plan. I have a friend who was a 767 check pilot. He flew commercial jets for 45 years. He taught other pilots how to fly commercial jets, yet he had to go back to work and supplement his retirement because his retirement got slashed in half by the airline. You would have thought he would be safe. Nobody's safe!
The idea of the old rich was to accumulate things. How to become wealthy had to do more with things than with life experiences.
The new rich is about living our life on our terms, about doing the things we want to do when we want to do them, and that may mean renting an apartment for six months in Buenos Aires, and it may mean traveling around the United States with our kids. It can mean a variety of different things. But it doesn't, necessarily mean accumulating things. It means doing things. It means accumulating memories, accumulating experiences, and having the time to do the things we want to do and the money to do them.
Now me personally, I'm not interested in big fancy houses and big fancy cars. I love to travel. I love to scuba dive. I love to snow ski and water ski, sail, backpack, hike, camp. Those are the things that I love to do, and I want a portfolio of memories to look back on my life when I'm too old to do those things anymore and remember all the things that I did.
"The Four Hour Work Week", can help point the direction for how you can live your life on your terms, and become wealthy by living life to the fullest and you can begin to do it today. And you can do it from anywhere in the world because in today's day and time, we don't need an office. We don't need a cubicle. We need a computer and an Internet connection. Learn to be an entrepreneur. Take control of your life.
Remember your thoughts are your previews of your life's coming attraction. Dream big my friend and be wealthy and free.
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Sunday 20 September 2015

How To Buy Your Next Car With No Car Payments And Become Wealthy In The Process

It's no secret that many of us may "need" a car in order to get back and forth to work, school, and other places. However I must challenge you to ask yourself if you really need to finance or lease that car or is that simply a want? I developed a very simple but highly powerful way for you to both have your cake and eat it too. In other words a system which allows you to buy a car, avoid car payments, avoid high insurance premiums, avoid paying interest, and become wealthy in the process. If you can start off by sacrificing for just 24 weeks then I can put you on the path towards wealth. Ready to find out how? Keep reading.....
1. Start off by sacrificing for just 24 weeks (6 months) and make a decision NOT to finance or lease your car. Instead take the bus or the train, get a ride, roller skate or yes even walk! Who knows, you might even lose a few pounds.
2. Open up a savings bank account (separate from your normal account) and put $500 per month in it for six months. I hear you asking where in the world will you get the $500 from but don't forget, if you had chosen to make the mistake of financing a car, you would have been paying about $500 per month anyway when you factor in the car note and your insurance payment for full coverage which is required when you finance.
3. Fast forward. Hooray...six months has passed and now you have $3,000 in the bank but hold your horses. You are not going to spend it all on your car. Instead you will only be spending $2,400 of your newly found money. This should allow you to get a pretty decent used car from an individual out of the paper. Make sure you use Kelly's Blue Book to make sure you aren't overpaying for your vehicle.
4. When you begin your search, you will call people who have their cars listed at $3,000 to $3,500 however you will be a super negotiator by refusing to pay any more than your budgeted $2,400. I know what you may be thinking, now you have $600 left over to party right? WRONG! Once you have finally located the car you intend on purchasing, $100 of that balance will be used to pay a good mechanic to check out your car from bumper to bumper to determine if anything needs to be repaired that you might have missed. If anything does need repairing then tell the owner you will need for the items to be repaired before buying or you will need for them to deduct the repair amounts from the purchase price. If they refuse then keep moving to the next one. You may have lost $100 but you will have also saved a lot more in repair bills.
5. OK, let's assume the car checks out fine and you buy it. Now you have a $500 emergency cushion in case anything may need repairing in the future.
6. Now that you have your car you absolutely DO NOT stop saving $500. might ask? Because if you had financed the car, then you would have ended up paying that $500 per month for the life of the loan for the next 5 years anyway. The only difference is now you will be paying it to yourself instead of to the dealer.
7. Next you will be opening up a mutual fund for investments. Remember how you used to tell yourself that once you found some extra money you would begin investing? Well guess what? Now you have some extra money to invest. You are going to set up your mutual fund so that $250 is automatically taken out of your car fund bank account every single month and deposited into your mutual fund account. The other $250 per month will stay in the bank account and keep adding up.
8. After 12 months has passed you will now have $3,000 in the bank. ($250 x 12). If you choose to get rid of your (paid for) car and upgrade you simply have to sell your current car and add that amount to the $3,000. Let's say you were only able to sell your car for $1,000. You now would have a total of $4,000 for your next car. You set aside $3,400 of that money for your next car. Remember, we always leave a $600 minimum cushion to cover emergency repairs. Next we repeat our steps from earlier. We look in the paper for cars in the $4,000 to $4,500 range and negotiate them down to our budget. Next we take $100 of our set aside money to get the car checked out from bumper to bumper just like before.
9. Once again we DO NOT stop putting $500 per month in the bank. Keep in mind that while we are doing this, $250 is still automatically being taken out and put into our mutual fund account every month.
10. All you have to do now is just keep repeating the steps and you will never again have to finance your car and you will be on your way to wealth and all it took was 24 weeks of sacrifice in the beginning to accomplish.
Note: After 5 years of putting $250 per month into a mutual fund earning on average about 10% per year you will find that your investment account has grown to $20,147. With that money you can buy a house, start a business, or invest in real estate and really get your wealth building into gear. Congratulations, you are now officially an investor instead of just a consumer.
Note: If after 5 years you stopped putting money into your mutual fund account and just let it sit there and grow at an average rate of return of 10%, here is what you would have:
5 years: $32,446.94
10 years: $52,256.13
15 years: $84,159.02
Remember, these numbers above assume that after the first five years you didn't add a single additional dime to the investment. Welcome to the wonderful world of compound interest. Happy wealth building!
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Bob Proctor - All You Need is Six Minutes Each Day To Success

Friday 18 September 2015

4 Simple Steps to Starting on the Path to Becoming Wealthy

Getting into financial shape does not have to be complicated. It really is not, and it takes more discipline than anything. I wrote this post to show what I did to get on the road to becoming wealthy and stop wasting money and living check to check. I found that the most important thing is motivation and determination. Once you have that and you follow these steps you will be on the road in no time.
1. Organize Your Finances.
You need to know exactly what you have and don't have. Don't think you have to buy some expensive software to do this. You can simply use an Excel Spreadsheet. I started with Microsoft Money and found that it is way to complicated for what I was doing. There are only certain things you need to keep track of and a simple spreadsheet is all you need.
Start by gathering all of your bills, bank loan statements, credit card statements, and anything that has to do with debt. Put them all in one easy to access place. I used a folder in a file cabinet next to my computer. Start by listing each of your debts in the spreadsheet. Include the name of the debt, the due date of each payment, the amount you paid last month, the minimum monthly payment, interest rates and the total balance of each debt. Keep track of the total debt by sub tracking what you pay each month from the total balance. I created a sample spread sheet that you can use if you are not that good with excel. Email me or comment on this post and I will send it to you.
2. Destroy Your Debts Without Destroying Your Credit.
You should focus on unsecured credit card debt first. They tend to have the highest interest rates. Close all of your accounts, except one. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You only need one credit card, period! And you should only use it for emergencies. If you are like I was and have 5 mall department store cards, 3 visas, and some off the wall other cards, then you are probably too far into debt than you need to be.
Start by paying off your highest interest card first and paying the minimum on the rest. Pay as much as you can afford on the high card. Remember, the more you pay each month, the faster the debt will be gone, and the less interest you will pay. After you pay the card off move on to the next highest card, and so on.
If you realize that you have more debt than you can handle, then you may want to consider getting professional help. I had about 10k in just credit card debt and I let it get out of control. I ended up using this debt management company to help me. If you are in this situation you may want to consider using the company I used. Read the article here.
If you have student loans, consider forbearance's until you can afford the payments. Other high interest loans should be paid off as well. Once you get the really bad debts out of the way and have your situation under control start saving and investing.
3. Save and Invest.
Start saving and investing the extra money you created by eliminating debts. I recommend Sharebuilder. It is easy to use and a cheap way to getting in on good stocks. I won't go too deep into investing here but you can check out The Motley Fool for some good investment advice. This is the source I trust the most when it comes to investing. They are self made millionaires and they were used as a model when I was in college at DeVry University.
Save money and invest it in different things for diversity. Invest in things of true value and things that appreciate over time. Invest in education, real estate, stocks, bonds, index funds, etc.
4. Stop Spending More Money Than You Make
Living within your means is the single most important thing you can do. If you can learn how to consistently spend less than you make each month you will never run out of money and you will retire comfortably. Breakdown all the expenses you incur in one month. Now subtract that amount from the amount you make. Whatever is left over should be saved and invested.
Another good rule of thumb is to save first, pay bills, and spend last. If you always save first you will learn how to live within your means. Don't be tempted to spend your savings. I know it is a hard habit to break but the key is to keep yourself busy and motivated by learning more and more about saving and investing. Another helpful thing is to teach others about what you learned. It will motivate you even more to keep on track. Over time you will develop a habit, but a good one.
Don't forget that this is your life we are talking about and if you have kids it is theirs too. You have the power and right to make yourself wealthy and to be happy. Take full advantage of what is out there and don't take what you have for granted. if we only live once, then it makes sense to live it to the fullest.
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Wednesday 16 September 2015

How to Become a Millionaire Fast in Today's Economy - 6 Tips

The majority of today's millionaires are a different breed from those of previous generations, primarily because they have learned how to become a millionaire fast rather than simply inheriting enormous wealth. In 2010 the United States boasted more than 8.4 million households with assets over $1 million, up 8% from the 2009 figures. This figure was still lower than the 2007 high of 9.2 millionaires due to the drop on real estate values, but the steady increase proves you can make your own million even in a struggling economy if you know what you are doing and commit to that. The increasingly numbers of younger entrepreneurs is proof that your first million can be made faster than you might have ever thought possible.
Studying the success stories of these one-generation millionaires shows that they share several common characteristics and strategies that have led them to become financially wealthy and independent. They do not necessarily have the highest IQ, the most important family or political ties or even the most elite education. What they do possess is a drive to succeed at something they are passionate about. This drive pushes them toward their vision with enthusiasm and a positive attitude that draws in the useful support of those around them.
They know both their own strengths and weaknesses and tend to surround themselves with a team that can help them achieve their goals. They are willing to work as long and as hard as it takes because they truly love what they are doing. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and owner, just recently rented a larger but unexceptional home to be closer to his company offices where he already often works more than 16 hours a day.
The following steps can help you to achieve your financial goals using the same successful strategies millionaires such as Zuckerberg have discovered:
1. Know your own worth. What are you good at and what are you passionate about? What would you love doing all day even if the pay was less than you deserved? The average millionaire makes 17 failed attempts before finding the niche that really works for him/her.
2. Know what you want. Do you want to know the best way to become a millionaire fast? In the United States the average age of achieving this goal is 54, but there are many who are there by age 45 and a growing number of much younger entrepreneurs who are claiming the same success. Be specific about where you want to see yourself in three years, five years and ten years. You might even want to think about when you want to retire or how you want to spend those later years.
3. Develop a strategy. Today's most successful young millionaires have made their money by selling a service or a product. Today's millionaires followed outline and proven steps to become a millionaire fast. It is not impossible, but it often takes longer to build your own wealth while working for someone else and helping them build theirs.
4. Start with a project that you can manage. Build your self-esteem while you build your reputation. Just work harder than anyone else in your field. A strong work ethic is a common factor in becoming a financial superstar. Find ways to differentiate your service or product and market, market, market it.
5. Learn from others. Don't be afraid to study other successful business models and imitate what works. Why waste time re-inventing the wheel when you can benefit from what is already working? Surround yourself with like-minded energetic, positive entrepreneurs but keep your thoughts independent as you follow your own path to success.
6. Manage the money you now have by: 
  • Paying off outstanding debts as quickly as possible.
  • Living below your means so that you can save and invest.
  • Setting aside an emergency fund for unexpected bumps in the road.
  • Learning to delay gratification by making decisions that support your long term goals.
  • Getting sound financial/business advice from experts as needed.
You can achieve wealth in today's economy, but finding your niche, marketing it successfully and working hard are probably the keys. In spite of the nay-sayers, only about 10% of new businesses fail each year and 65% are still moving forward four years later. Learning how to become a millionaire fast and enjoying the financial rewards is no longer limited to just those from rich families - it can happen for you. 
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How to Become a Millionaire Fast in Today's Economy - 6 Tips

The majority of today's millionaires are a different breed from those of previous generations, primarily because they have learned how to become a millionaire fast rather than simply inheriting enormous wealth. In 2010 the United States boasted more than 8.4 million households with assets over $1 million, up 8% from the 2009 figures. This figure was still lower than the 2007 high of 9.2 millionaires due to the drop on real estate values, but the steady increase proves you can make your own million even in a struggling economy if you know what you are doing and commit to that. The increasingly numbers of younger entrepreneurs is proof that your first million can be made faster than you might have ever thought possible.
Studying the success stories of these one-generation millionaires shows that they share several common characteristics and strategies that have led them to become financially wealthy and independent. They do not necessarily have the highest IQ, the most important family or political ties or even the most elite education. What they do possess is a drive to succeed at something they are passionate about. This drive pushes them toward their vision with enthusiasm and a positive attitude that draws in the useful support of those around them.
They know both their own strengths and weaknesses and tend to surround themselves with a team that can help them achieve their goals. They are willing to work as long and as hard as it takes because they truly love what they are doing. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and owner, just recently rented a larger but unexceptional home to be closer to his company offices where he already often works more than 16 hours a day.
The following steps can help you to achieve your financial goals using the same successful strategies millionaires such as Zuckerberg have discovered:
1. Know your own worth. What are you good at and what are you passionate about? What would you love doing all day even if the pay was less than you deserved? The average millionaire makes 17 failed attempts before finding the niche that really works for him/her.
2. Know what you want. Do you want to know the best way to become a millionaire fast? In the United States the average age of achieving this goal is 54, but there are many who are there by age 45 and a growing number of much younger entrepreneurs who are claiming the same success. Be specific about where you want to see yourself in three years, five years and ten years. You might even want to think about when you want to retire or how you want to spend those later years.
3. Develop a strategy. Today's most successful young millionaires have made their money by selling a service or a product. Today's millionaires followed outline and proven steps to become a millionaire fast. It is not impossible, but it often takes longer to build your own wealth while working for someone else and helping them build theirs.
4. Start with a project that you can manage. Build your self-esteem while you build your reputation. Just work harder than anyone else in your field. A strong work ethic is a common factor in becoming a financial superstar. Find ways to differentiate your service or product and market, market, market it.
5. Learn from others. Don't be afraid to study other successful business models and imitate what works. Why waste time re-inventing the wheel when you can benefit from what is already working? Surround yourself with like-minded energetic, positive entrepreneurs but keep your thoughts independent as you follow your own path to success.
6. Manage the money you now have by: 
  • Paying off outstanding debts as quickly as possible.
  • Living below your means so that you can save and invest.
  • Setting aside an emergency fund for unexpected bumps in the road.
  • Learning to delay gratification by making decisions that support your long term goals.
  • Getting sound financial/business advice from experts as needed.
You can achieve wealth in today's economy, but finding your niche, marketing it successfully and working hard are probably the keys. In spite of the nay-sayers, only about 10% of new businesses fail each year and 65% are still moving forward four years later. Learning how to become a millionaire fast and enjoying the financial rewards is no longer limited to just those from rich families - it can happen for you. 
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Tuesday 8 September 2015

How To Become Wealthy - A 3 Step Formula

The most certain way to become wealthy is to model genuinely rich people. When you struggle financially, it is almost natural to think of the quickest and easiest way out of your financial mess, which often makes you a potential victim of get rich quick scams.
If you often wonder whether one can get rich without cheating, stealing or winning the lottery, I have an answer for you and it is a big yes.
To become wealthy, you need discipline, determination, and very clear financial goals. You must also be ready to work hard at achieving your goals. Here are three steps that can lead you to a life of sustainable wealth:
Step 1 - Change your attitude towards wealthy people.
Most people from poor or middle class backgrounds have been programmed to believe that rich people are greedy dishonest crooks who take advantage of the poor. Now think about this for a moment. Is this not a perfect excuse for your subconscious mind to sabotage your wealth creation efforts? However much you may want to become wealthy, deep inside you would want to be known as a rich greedy crook that takes advantage of the poor.
Step 2 - Set financial goals and work steadily towards them.
You may have heard this before and you will tell me that you have New Year's resolutions that you have never gotten round to implementing. The goals I am talking about here are financial goals and by setting these, you are able to set the strategies that you will adopt to achieve them.
To become wealthy, you need to know specifically how much money you want to make and in a given time frame. For Example 'I want to make $500,000 in the next six months using all the tools at my disposal, selling widgets' is a clear goal. Once you set a goal like this, it is easy for you to measure your progress along the way.
Step 3 - Invest in your financial education.
How much money do you spend on books, seminars and workshops that teach you how to earn, save and invest your money? Any money you spend on these activities is certain to bring you a return at some point in time. Investing in your financial education can never be a waste of time and money.
For instance, you attend a real estate investment seminar that costs you $2,500. In this seminar you learn how to buy property without having to come up with a large down payment, and you take action based on your newly acquired knowledge.
Two months later, you own an investment property worth $250,000. Suddenly the $2,500 does not seem to be significant, given your return on investment.
Many people resist buying books because in their opinion, the only people getting rich are the authors. If you have such an attitude, you will never be able to move to the next level, because if you are not learning, you are not growing and if you are not growing, you are dying.
No one creates and sustains wealth by accident.
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