Friday 28 August 2015

Are you living your life by design like successful achievers or by chance? Successful achievers are able to live the lives they want by design because they possess certain qualities that normal achievers do not. They are able to get things done, achieve phenomenal success and best of all, find ample time to enjoy their life by design.
But you'll probably be asking exactly what are these qualities that successful achievers have?
Take a few minutes to ponder and understand the qualities that most successful achievers possess below so that you can emulate them.
1) Know their Strengths And Weaknesses
They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They basically know what they are really good at and can even reach legendary levels in it if they pursue it. They also know what they are not really good at or weak in, or what they can't do to save their lives. They know that this is a truth, an understanding, not an intention, goal or a desire. They know the difference between what is truly their core strengths and what is actually only a passing hobby or interest.
A true strength is something in which you know with every fibre of your being that you can get better and better at it, seemingly without any possible limits to your growth, evolution and improvement, until perhaps death stops you.The successful achievers also know how to skilfully 'pull strings' whenever a situation requires an ability that they are not particularly good at, to seek out those who can do the job to do it for them either for money or for an equal exchange of favours.
2) Clearly Identify Truly Congruent Desires, Visions And Goals
They follow what they are deeply passionate about and they know what they truly, deeply and absolutely want to achieve. They have intricate visions and set realistic goals about what they to achieve. They stick by strong sets of positive values, principles, philosophies and ethics and they use them in their quest to make their desires, visions and goals a reality.
3) Create Discipline From Within
They create their own self-discipline from within, inspired or generated by a clear understanding of their deepest, most coherent desires and have the congruence to translate their inner desires to reality through the execution of proper methods and pathways. They adhere to a system that works; but allow room for flexibility and growth within that system. To them, knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. They ignore and do not give time or energy to opportunities (even so-called "once in a lifetime" opportunities) that are not aligned with their innermost values and desires.
4) Fail In Order To Succeed
They acknowledge that to succeed as soon as possible, they need to fail as quickly as possible and as many times as possible while learning along the way from their failures. Of course, this does not mean that you should deliberately seek to fail in your path to be wealthy. The trick is to minimise your risk as much as possible with whatever knowledge and information you have right now.
When you 'fail', fail with as little time and money 'wasted' as possible. When you do, you'll learn what you need to know to increase your personal effectiveness and realise that your 'failures' had not been 'failures' at all but lessons learned and that your money and time had not been 'wasted' but they had been investments to learn how to succeed more effectively. This is the power of perspective.
5) Start With Small Building Blocks, Then Expand Till They Get To The Big Structure
Whenever they manage to attain some measure of success initially, no matter how trivial, small or insignificant they may seem, they always think about how they can expand that success. They do this by expanding in some way the specific tactic that they had executed in attaining the results yielded.
So now that you have understood the 5 top qualities of successful achievers, are you ready to become one?

Saturday 15 August 2015

7 Pillars of Financial Freedom

1. Achieve financial freedom with clear, specific financial goals and a plan of action.
If you don't know where you're going, you will never get there. Just as you need a map to get to any other destination, you must create your own map to achieve your financial goals. How much money do you want to earn? What is your plan of action to earn this amount? What resources do you need or each your goals? What help do you need from others to achieve your goals. Write up a detailed plan of action so every day you can take action steps that will see you getting closer and closer to your target. If your money goal is a long way from where you are today, then aim for a 20% gain per year as a great starting point.
2. Always strive to do your best, be the best and work hard. Opportunities will come your way when you stand out from the crowd. Aim to go above and beyond. Aim to give great value. Don't settle for mediocrity in how your serve your customers. It doesn't matter if you think there are others who know more then you - simply be sure you are the best YOU can be.
3. Work in or create a business in which you are serving people or giving. Give people what they want, need or can use! Look for what people are complaining about or frustrates them and figure out a way to fill that need. Years ago, a man called J.A. Burchill was aware that people were constantly complaining about single pieces of paper falling off desks and scattering all over the ground - thus the simple 'notepad' was born and has made him millions of dollars.
Listen to your customers, give them what they want and you will have financial freedom!
4. Become responsible for your personal life. Losers make excuses, winners make progress. Losers blame others; winners accept responsibility. It's that simple.
5. You must work! There is this myth in the internet marketing world that you can make millions of dollars working just 1-2 hours a day. Ask any millionaire and he will tell you he works 10-14 hours per day. This is partly because that's what it takes to manage and control the empire he has created, and partly because it's his nature to be a driven, motivated individual.
Many people say they want to achieve 'financial freedom', yet are unwilling to actually do the work it takes to get there. You may often see people who appear to have 'overnight success' Work an 8 hour day and you get survival. Anything over 8 hours and you invest into your financial future.
6. Learn to manage your time well. Wealthy people can achieve more in one day than what you could achieve in a whole week. They understand how to make quick decisions, systems, how to prioritize, how to delegate and outsource. No matter what level you are at in business, as you get better at managing your time, you will see a corresponding increase in how much money you make.
7. Determination, persistence and be willing to take calculated risks. It's easy to get disappointed when things don't work out as well as you expected. Rather than give up, look at it this way. Now you know at least one way to get what you want that doesn't work. And that actually makes you one step closer to finding a way that does work. When Thomas Edison was trying to create a light globe, he actually failed hundreds of times before he achieved what he set out to do. Imagine how dark your world might still be if he had given up before? People need you and what you have to offer.
"If you want to succeed, then double your failure rate."
These are just a few ideas to get you headed in the direction of creating your own financial freedom.
It takes blood, sweat and tears - but it will pay off in the end. Big time.
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Thursday 13 August 2015

The Fourth Law of Money: You Need Help From Other People

It's a myth: Wealthy people don't become successful alone. They get help from other people. The secret is, if you attempt to do everything yourself you'll fail. If you use other people, you'll succeed.
Let's say you want to develop an investment property. The idea is to lease it out for the rental income. The D.I.Y'er will attempt to do everything.
They'd probably learn how to design the property by taking a course in architecture. They'd learn how to zone land and construct buildings. They'd educate themselves on financing, tax, property management and tenant administration. They'll try and absorb all the million and one other details required to get the property built and leased.
How would a wealth creator tackle the job?
The goal is to get the job done correctly and on time. So this person is likely to assemble a team of individuals who know what they are doing. You'd find a qualified architect to draw up the plans, a builder, developer, financier, property manager and other experts as and when needed.
Successful people come up with the idea. They are the visionaries. As an initiator of a wealth creation business, you are directly responsible for doing the research, finding a profitable market and making sure there is a big enough opportunity to turn the idea into a viable business.
When it comes to bringing the idea to life, your task is to recruit others to help you achieve your personal dream.
One of the most common reasons why businesses fail is that entrepreneurs try and do everything themselves. They hoard control and retain power. Delegation doesn't happen.
This is not to say that you must steer clear of self-employment as a business model. There are some highly successful sole-proprietors out there. However, you often find that a one-man/woman business plateaus very quickly.
Growth is limited. A business that solicits the help of other people and builds strong teams will usually have an edge over their competitors. As Robert Shemin said, 'The rich idiot makes the spark; other people make the blaze'.
  • This brings us to how to use other people to accelerate your success. There are three ways:
1. Use other peoples' time
These individuals give their own time to assist you in your business. They do the things that they do best, leaving you with more time to do the things that you do best.
When it comes to my property business, I have property experts in my team that manages all my tenant-related issues. They pay the bills, deal with maintenance issues and handle all my tenants' gripes.
As a result, I have more time to focus on growing my portfolio, i.e. buying property. Learn to use other peoples' time. It's powerful stuff!
2. Use other peoples' money
Pop quiz: What's the quickest way to make $1 million? Borrow it! Asking for money is not the easiest thing to do, but it's the quickest way to buy assets and build wealth.
There are two important criteria though:
  • You have to finance great deals so that you can make a profit. Your business return must be significantly higher than the interest rate you pay on the loan.
  • Don't lose other peoples' money. It's a lot costlier than losing your own. If you do, you may never be able to borrow money from a bank again. Be careful.
When it comes to real estate, banks are willing to grant mortgages. But it has been tough of late (due to the 2008 credit crisis) to convince financial institutions to loan their money.
This is why you have to be professional when asking for money. Always speak to the man or woman in charge. Show them your business proposal and indicate how they will benefit financially from your venture. It's a strategy I've used to great success.
In addition, keep your options open. There are other people aside from banks that will finance your business, as long as there is benefit for them. For example, venture capitalists, successful business owners, investors, other professionals and even your friends and family may offer finance. All you have to do is look for them.
3. Use other peoples' experience
A personal mentor for me is by far one of the most important members to have on your team. A mentor is someone who is accomplished in your field of interest.
They can share their personal experiences with you and in so doing increase your chances of success. More importantly, they are there for inspiration. Entrepreneurship is daunting and can at times be de-motivating. You need somebody to help lift your spirits when the time calls for it.
So don't be shy. Find a mentor in your field. Speak to them. Ask them for help. Show them that you are committed to making a change. Successful people are willing to help others along their journey to financial freedom.
Getting help from other people is about building relationships. It's not about exploiting people. By building a team of competent people around you, you can benefit from a wealth of experience, money and time.
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Wednesday 5 August 2015

Are You New To Internet Marketing?

I'm not a guru or claim to be a hot shot marketing expert or a sales guy. In fact, I do know quite a lot about Internet marketing because I've been selling online for a couple of years and doing well. And I do know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. I know what products I would buy and what services I would use..

I just checked out the book "From Newbie to Millionaire", by Christine Clayfied and with over 500 pages this will be a best seller! She is a million dollar seller and is well known for her no-nonsense approach to making money online. If you are looking for the "Complete Manual To Internet Marketing" in this book you have found it!

Christine has put together a massive 506 page ebook loaded with diagrams, illustrations and screen shots that cover the entire spectrum of internet marketing. This document covers everything from the terminology used in IM to niche and keyword research, site creation, SEO, content, monetizing your site(s), and a large section covering the fundamental, tried and true free traffic methods (article marketing, press releases, video, ...) as well as many less obvious free methods. Paid traffic methods are covered as well.

The book also includes ways to make money with, or without a website. All the methods listed include brief descriptions of how to use them and many are accompanied by screenshots and longer explanations to help you get started. She goes into a lot of detail about autoresponders, getting traffic, monitizeing websites and her "secret sauce" success formula. It would be easy to call this report … the Encyclopedia Britannica of Internet marketing.

The whole ebook is complemented with over 5 hours of video for a complete affiliate marketing system. I've viewed several of the videos and they're very informative and well produced. There's also over 4 hours of videos specifically created to go along with the ebook which covers the more technical aspects such as setting up a Wordpress site, using aweber autoresponder, webhosting and domain settings.

It’s that easy. I promise you’re going to be shocked at how easy it’s going to be to build a side income by working just couple of hours a day. You’ll have a free schedule and can work from any location. I must admit that this doesn’t feel like work. But if you’re more serious than me and want to make tons of money, the sky is the limit. You've got to try this out. Just click on the link below and check it out yourself.

Thinking Stinking Rich

A Quick Preamble:
It really is - like every aspect or category of your life - an out-and-out"mindset" thing... if you want to be wealthy, then simply "think" like the stinking-rich think...
... rich people build big wealth before they spend... they don't actually spend money at the outset, just because they have it and can afford the new car or new house etc. etc. etc... first and foremost, they invest their money - they only purchase those things that add real value and more money to their lives, they rinse-and-repeat the successes and voila, they have their bank manager eating out of their hands..!
So, are you thinking like the "Stinking Rich" or are you just spending your money like most people do - getting it, then spending it "like-a-rich-person", because you can..? Because you THINK you're rich..?
Cutting To The Chase:
I've got bad news for you... this is NOT how the wealthy spend their money, this is in fact exactly how poor people spend their money, so if you ever want to become truly wealthy, then you have to learn how to spend - and how not to spend, the money that you already have.
The "Stinking Rich" Mindset:
From today, right now, you must stop living and spending "like-a-rich-person" - you're being exploited... !
Your desires, or actually your 'wants' and 'nice-to-have' needs are being fully exploited by people who are more than willing to persuade you to take out loans and mortgages so that the monstrous interest you pay (for most of your life) is then reinvested by loaning it out to others who also live and spend "like-a-rich-person" - but are in fact actually pretty much broke... like you..?!?
That's right... most of the dudes and dudesses that you notice swanning around in those big fancy, and very expensive, cars and designer label clothing are more-often-than-not quite literally living day-to-day or salary cheque to salary cheque - because they can afford it - BUT - it's all just for show, because their bank account is severely lacking.
Just to add insult to injury, all the money that these people are spending is flowing straight into the hands of the wealthy, the "Stinking Rich"... why..?..because the wealthy love to invest and make money a whole lot more than spending it...
... and that my friend, as I tried to explain a little earlier, is THE big difference between the "broke" and the "stinking rich"... STOP LIVING AND SPENDING "LIKE-A-RICH-PERSON" and START ACTING LIKE A "STINKING RICH" PERSON.!
A person of true wealth, a "Stinking Rich" person, doesn't fall for the "money-trap" and overspend or run up excessive and unnecessary debt buying things that are not needed - he or she doesn't succumb to the "nice-to-have" issue until there's more than enough money to pay cash, with plenty left over for further money-making investments...
... they'll invest in many income streams and never concern themselves about being able to afford stuff - they simply focus on their investments and so affordability for anything they truly desire becomes a natural consequence of NOT worrying about whether they can afford it or not.
A Final Anecdote:
In a nutshell, true wealthy people, the "Stinking Rich" folk stay out of debt, make money work for them and they sell and promote... think about that for a minute... they SELL and PROMOTE... it's not just a coincidence that most people generally love to buy and most people are broke, whereas those who love to sell - their service, their product, their time etc. - are "Stinking Rich"...
... and that is a massively important "Stinking Rich" mindset secret right there... broke people hate to sell and they generally despise sales people - but they love to buy... Use it... Don't Use it..!
Before you go here's something I love - a poem from the late Robert Frost - it's a great lesson about making the right decision and very relevant to this post:
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads onto way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference
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Monday 3 August 2015

Wealth Mindset - 2 Reasons You Are Not Wealthy Yet And What To Do About It!

We live in an age where creating wealth is becoming increasingly easier and yet the people remain caught up in poverty. Maybe, you wonder why you are not wealthy yet and you keep looking for all the tips, tricks and strategies available to help you get rich but have you stopped to think that it may be your thinking getting in the way?
If there is anyone in your environment who seems to be doing okay and you are not, then surely, you see that there are changes you must make to the way you approach wealth attraction.
Here are 2 reasons that may be getting in your way.
1. You are not investing in your education
For some reason, you seem to think that schooling ended when you left school and so you do what you must to keep a hold of a career you no longer completely enjoy but you do not do the REAL work of gaining an education that will enable you to be rich.
There is so much information available now so that is certainly not the issue but you choose to undervalue yourself and refuse to invest in ongoing development in the areas that you want to build your life around.
Be curious. Choose to find out more about your strengths. Choose to apply that information into your every day life and you will find that you expand beyond your current career into a business that enables you to flourish and creates an abundance of wealth for you and your family.
2. You Have Not Made A Solid Decision To Be Wealthy
You think you have but really, you have not. Take a look at your life and see that everything you currently have, you took personal responsibility to achieve. Your career was a matter of a strong will and determination to succeed, the house you live in is a result of the same, the car you drive is also a result of the same tenacity.
The problem for you is that you believe that you are only capable of what you have currently so that is what you get. You worked hard to get to this level but then you assumed that it was now okay to settle down and enjoy it because anything more would be greedy. You still feel dissatisfied but you find it hard to really believe you can have any more so you are not fully committed to making it happen.
And so, you stay in place. Today, choose to set yourself a new goal and refuse to back down until you achieve it. It is all within your power. You have already achieved a lot, do not stop now just because you have flawed thinking about what you are allowed to have.
The power dwells within you. Use it!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Succeed in Business - Learn From the Best How to Become an Entrepreneur

What is the key to succeed in business? Why is it that some people seem to make money almost effortlessly while others struggle without seeing results? Often people who can't seem to get ahead in life resign themselves to thinking that that is simply their lot in life, or that they're just unlucky, or they could succeed if only they had the right connections. But the answer is actually quite simple: mindset. Change your thoughts, change your life.
Defining What You Want
Clarity is key when deciding what you want to achieve. How can you travel to your destination in unfamiliar territory if you don't have a map? Clearly define what you want to achieve and then write it down in as much detail as you can. Make it real in your mind.
Taking Action
Coming up with a new idea or plan is the easy part. What can be difficult is the next step - taking action. Most people will run their new idea past all their fears instead of their faith, and the mind will come up with a yard-long list of all the reasons why this idea will fail. Other people get stuck on the "how" part of the equation: they had the idea, they're ready to take action, but they're not sure how to go about doing it. Just get started. You don't even have to have the entire "how" part figured out.
Those who achieve their goals are perseverant. They never give up. Most people give up too soon. Perseverance is a little like being stubborn, and you have to be stubborn in the face of all the obstacles you are likely to encounter, from well-meaning family members who tell you to give up, to rejections from people or businesses you target, to your own fears.
Overcoming Obstacles
The most difficult obstacle in the way of achieving your goals is mindset. The people who succeed in business have one thing in common: they have the utmost confidence in themselves and their abilities and have trained their mind to fully believe they can achieve success. When you have high self-esteem you are able to dream big, take action and appropriate risks, and follow through. Learn to see barriers and failures as learning tools. The best way to condition a new, positive mindset is to fashion your thinking and your actions after other successful people.
Wouldn't it be great if you could actually be mentored by someone who has succeeded in business, someone who is wealthy and someone who is actually interested in sharing his knowledge and successes with other people?
Billionaire entrepreneur Bill Bartmann is such a person. He offers advice and a mentoring program in which he shares his philosophy for succeeding in business. Though he is wealthy today, he was homeless and a high school dropout at age 14, put himself through law school and declared bankruptcy twice.
But having gone through both success and failure numerous times, he is in an ideal position to offer valuable advice and lessons. The one thing that prevented him from giving up when so many others would was his firm belief in his own abilities. The key to his success was absolute confidence and high self-esteem. That's simple. It's not the circumstances that make someone rich or successful, it's his mindset.
Martyna Bizdra
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