Monday 3 August 2015

Wealth Mindset - 2 Reasons You Are Not Wealthy Yet And What To Do About It!

We live in an age where creating wealth is becoming increasingly easier and yet the people remain caught up in poverty. Maybe, you wonder why you are not wealthy yet and you keep looking for all the tips, tricks and strategies available to help you get rich but have you stopped to think that it may be your thinking getting in the way?
If there is anyone in your environment who seems to be doing okay and you are not, then surely, you see that there are changes you must make to the way you approach wealth attraction.
Here are 2 reasons that may be getting in your way.
1. You are not investing in your education
For some reason, you seem to think that schooling ended when you left school and so you do what you must to keep a hold of a career you no longer completely enjoy but you do not do the REAL work of gaining an education that will enable you to be rich.
There is so much information available now so that is certainly not the issue but you choose to undervalue yourself and refuse to invest in ongoing development in the areas that you want to build your life around.
Be curious. Choose to find out more about your strengths. Choose to apply that information into your every day life and you will find that you expand beyond your current career into a business that enables you to flourish and creates an abundance of wealth for you and your family.
2. You Have Not Made A Solid Decision To Be Wealthy
You think you have but really, you have not. Take a look at your life and see that everything you currently have, you took personal responsibility to achieve. Your career was a matter of a strong will and determination to succeed, the house you live in is a result of the same, the car you drive is also a result of the same tenacity.
The problem for you is that you believe that you are only capable of what you have currently so that is what you get. You worked hard to get to this level but then you assumed that it was now okay to settle down and enjoy it because anything more would be greedy. You still feel dissatisfied but you find it hard to really believe you can have any more so you are not fully committed to making it happen.
And so, you stay in place. Today, choose to set yourself a new goal and refuse to back down until you achieve it. It is all within your power. You have already achieved a lot, do not stop now just because you have flawed thinking about what you are allowed to have.
The power dwells within you. Use it!

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