Thursday 10 March 2016

Earning Money With Affiliate Marketing

The positive aspects of earning money with affiliate marketing far out weigh it's downside. Not only can you test a market in just a few weeks or even days, to find out its potential. You also have the flexibility to start over if you hit a dud without much invested. It really is the best way to start if you're looking to earn money online.

It is very tough to do that if you start off trying to earn money online by creating a product from scratch. You would also need to create winning sales material, do a lot of marketing and testing. Then you have to deal with support and refunds. Your investment in time and money will be too high. One you can't afford, if you want to make relatively quick money online.

That is why it is highly recommended to earn money online by being an affiliate for popular products that you can promote when you are starting out.

As your skill and experience increase. You will be able to set systems in place to make the work load fast and effective. And as your cash flow income starts to grow steadily, it would then give you an opportunity to create your own products to sell if you choose to do so. At this point you can afford the risk of putting some time and money into the project as you have money coming in. You will also have more confidence and experience in the marketing process.

How do you earn money as an affiliate? Here's the best way to start earning money with affiliate marketing.

Here are a few general guidelines to start you off:

1. Pick a product that interests you.
2. The product must convert well and is a proven seller.
3. The commission should be high enough to justify all your effort. Above $20 is good.
4. You must have a system that will enable you to convert a visitor to a lead and then to a buyer.
5. If you have no budget, then you must know how to drive free traffic to your sales funnel.

OK, the first 3 guidelines above is fairly easy to determine. You can review the details page of any affiliate program directory and find out what is selling well and how much commission they pay out. Some products offer 70% commission. A few even offer 100% commission because they just want the quality lead to sell their backend products.

So here's a sales system that has worked very well for affiliate marketers.

1. Have a strong landing page.
2. Lead your visitors to a free high value product through your video squeeze page.
3. Collect leads by having your visitors opt-in in exchange for the free give away.
4. Have a pre-set sales message, that soft sells your products in case they don't buy right away.

The sales system is where most affiliate marketers trip off.

It is simpler to just build a page with some articles that is related to the affiliate product and have an affiliate links that forwards to the offer. The problem is that you will miss out on a big opportunity to actually build a sustainable business.

Building a good sales system is not as hard as you may think. If you've noticed some of your favorite digital products online will have this same system in place. Because it works! And it works very well. Take a clue from these hot selling products and copy their method of selling. Yes, copy it. It's a winning formula and it will increase your results.

If your visitor doesn't buy, their gone for good and you have to start over with the next prospect.

But by building a list, you have the opportunity to:

1. Build trust and credibility which will make it easier for leads to buy from you.
2. Have the opportunity to keep selling with future communication.
3. Have the opportunity to sell related products down the road.
4. Have the opportunity to have an existing audience ready to buy when you launch your own product.
5. Have the opportunity to survey your list on what their biggest problems are within the niche topic you've chosen, so you can develop a product that will solve that problem.
6. Build your name and your brand as an expert in your niche, which will come in handy when you try to network and JV with other marketers as well as having credibility when you recommend products.

You can earn a lot of money as an affiliate way before you start creating your own products, so go ahead and start as an affiliate marketer as a way to earn quick money online.

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