Tuesday 10 May 2016

Expensive Mistakes That People Do In SEO

When people are trying to get traffic to their site they will usually try and get it from the search engines. The problem is that a lot of people make expensive mistakes that can cost them all their rankings. In this article I want to show you the 2 mistakes people make when they are trying to automate this source in their niche market.

Mistake #1 - Getting links from the wrong sites. 

You have to realize that when it comes to getting more rankings in your niche market, the most important thing you can do is get better back links from sites in your niche. The mistake that most people make is they go after the wrong sites. You have to realize that you need to make sure you get your links from sites in your niche who have a higher page rank then your site. That way you can get more trust from Google and go higher in the rankings as well!

Mistake #2 - Not creating enough content for their sites!

You have to make sure you are always having articles written for you so you can keep adding them to your site so you can keep getting more and more rankings in your niche market. The more content you have the more rankings you are likely going to get and the more money you can make! So make sure you focus on getting more and more of the right backinks to your site & make sure you are focused on getting more articles written that can get you more rankings.

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