Tuesday 28 April 2015

How To Become Wealthy - A 3 Step Formula

The most certain way to become wealthy is to model genuinely rich people. When you struggle financially, it is almost natural to think of the quickest and easiest way out of your financial mess, which often makes you a potential victim of get rich quick scams.
If you often wonder whether one can get rich without cheating, stealing or winning the lottery, I have an answer for you and it is a big yes.
To become wealthy, you need discipline, determination, and very clear financial goals. You must also be ready to work hard at achieving your goals. Here are three steps that can lead you to a life of sustainable wealth:
Step 1 - Change your attitude towards wealthy people.
Most people from poor or middle class backgrounds have been programmed to believe that rich people are greedy dishonest crooks who take advantage of the poor. Now think about this for a moment. Is this not a perfect excuse for your subconscious mind to sabotage your wealth creation efforts? However much you may want to become wealthy, deep inside you would want to be known as a rich greedy crook that takes advantage of the poor.
Step 2 - Set financial goals and work steadily towards them.
You may have heard this before and you will tell me that you have New Year's resolutions that you have never gotten round to implementing. The goals I am talking about here are financial goals and by setting these, you are able to set the strategies that you will adopt to achieve them.
To become wealthy, you need to know specifically how much money you want to make and in a given time frame. For Example 'I want to make $500,000 in the next six months using all the tools at my disposal, selling widgets' is a clear goal. Once you set a goal like this, it is easy for you to measure your progress along the way.
Step 3 - Invest in your financial education.
How much money do you spend on books, seminars and workshops that teach you how to earn, save and invest your money? Any money you spend on these activities is certain to bring you a return at some point in time. Investing in your financial education can never be a waste of time and money.
For instance, you attend a real estate investment seminar that costs you $2,500. In this seminar you learn how to buy property without having to come up with a large down payment, and you take action based on your newly acquired knowledge.
Two months later, you own an investment property worth $250,000. Suddenly the $2,500 does not seem to be significant, given your return on investment.
Many people resist buying books because in their opinion, the only people getting rich are the authors. If you have such an attitude, you will never be able to move to the next level, because if you are not learning, you are not growing and if you are not growing, you are dying.
No one creates and sustains wealth by accident.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5617282

Monday 27 April 2015

How to Become Rich - Pay Off Debt, Save or Invest?

Recently, I was at a friend's house party and one of my best pals and I got talking about debt, specifically mortgage debt. We were discussing whether he should put a lump sum toward paying off mortgage debt attached to an investment property or use his money for something else. The question was particularly apt as the value on this house had depreciated by c.40% over 2 years and was now in substantial negative equity.
Putting in Good Money after Bad
My take on it was that it makes no sense putting in good money after bad. If the debt we were talking about was non-mortgage debt (e.g. very high-interest credit card debt) then I'd have said pay it off pronto. But we weren't. The way I figured it was, since the interest rate he was paying on his house is 4%, if he could get greater than a net 4% return from his investments than he was better off.
Paying Down Debt is a Sure Thing But...
One way of looking at the 4% mortgage interest is that if you don't have to pay it you are essentially getting 4% net on your money. This is the equivalent of 5.2% pre-tax money (rounding off his effective tax rate to 30%)
Sure, paying down debt is a sure thing; there's a certain comfort that comes from paying off debt. If this house was his home (his primary residence) and he lived there with his family and he absolutely loved the house, and his neighbourhood, and his kids went to school around the corner than my answer to him would have been different. So, the answer to the question of whether you pay off debt first or invest is not a straightforward maths question.
Savings Are Yours to Keep
It's difficult to argue that paying off debt is not necessarily the right thing to do when jobs are not secure, house prices are down etc. It's an understandable reaction but it's important to note that it may not be the best for you financially. One thing I wouldn't advocate is using savings, retirement savings or emergency funds to pay down mortgage debt. I think you need a minimum of 1 year's income put aside in liquid cash for yourself and your family and for no one else to get their grubby little hands on...no matter what! And rather than hand over your savings I think you'd be better off investing so as to beat the cost of the debt you're paying elsewhere. Ultimately, you can't save your way to wealth so you got to be investing.
In Summary...
Whether you choose to pay off debt first or invest is really a question of priorities. You've got your priorities and they i.e. lenders have got theirs...they're usually different.JIn the case of high-interest personal loans then it is a good idea to pay down the debt fast. The bank will always see it as your priority to give them all your hard-earned money. Ultimately, it's a question of understanding who it is that is getting more wealthy...them or you. The choice is yours!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5269173

Sunday 26 April 2015

How to Escape From Wage Slave Trap!

Many people in this world are trapped by the belief that they can not survive or lead a decent and prosperous like without working for someone.
This belief has been passed on from generation to generation. The society we live in has instilled this idea that you should work hard at school and get employed until retirement age or death.
You are also taught to remain loyal to the company or state by paying your taxes in exchange that the government will look after you when you retire. Your children will be offered jobs and the government will place you in retirement home.
With this idea, many people work hard fearing of losing their jobs. They continue working despite getting little wages. They think the company or government will protect and support them when they are unemployed to maintain the standards of living.
Why Wage Slave Trap is Bad
You become a destitute and get paid peanuts for your hard work. All the profits the company makes are invested or channeled somewhere else.
Some of the state laws may not be in your favor. If you are fired, you forfeit the benefits despite the many years you have worked for the company. I'm sure you have seen people who were once managers and directors how they are suffering.
Working for some else does not give you security, but opportunity to explore other ways of survival so that when you are fired, you have somewhere to start from. Even those that hung on to their daily jobs are subjected to a minimum wage and the pension system may even be controlled in such a way that you are paid barely anything that can't buy you a decent meal.
You become more dependent on the state handouts. You have no control; the state dictates how much and when you should get your allowance. Your hard earned dollar is no longer yours.
Real Time Examples
At this stage everyone should know that you can't become wealthy by working for someone else. How many people do you know who have become wealth by working hard for someone else? There are only a few, if not none. But if I asked you how many people have become wealthy by working for themselves? The answer would be many. The Bill Gates of this world and many other individuals just like you who started from somewhere..
Stone Evans, the Home Business Guy was a Washed Restaurant Worker before he found a code at Plug-In Profit Site where you can get your own profitable home business website setup Free to earn multiple streams of affiliate income within the next 24 hours.
There are many other ordinary people, who have made it to the top for example, Dan Akroyd was a mail sorter for Canada's national postal service. Jennifer Aniston was both a telemarketer and waitress before hitting it big. Alec Baldwin was once a bouncer, look at what he is. Lucille Ball was reportedly fired from an ice cream shop for making a mistake, Now he is at the Top. Warren Beatty reportedly worked as a rat catcher before hitting it big. Charles Bronson worked in a coal mine before becoming famous. Kenny Chesney worked as a valet attendant, telemarketer and mail sorter, now he is country singer. Bill Cosby shined shoes and sold produce when he was young, now look at what he has done. Simon Cowell started out as a mail room clerk for EMI Music Publishing where his father worked. Michael Dell washed dishes at a Chinese restaurant for $2.30 per hour. Before his debut role as Glen Lantz in A Nightmare On Elm Street, Johnny Depp worked as an over-the-phone pen salesman. Danny DeVito was a formally trained hair stylist before his break on Taxi. Michael Douglas once worked as a gas station attendant. Tom Hanks once worked as a hotel bellman and carried bags for a number of Celebrities.
These are all real time examples you can learn from, just by changing your attitude. If you want to remain poor continue working hard for someone until you retire. The more hours you work, the more tax you pay... At the end of the month, you are the least paid worker. You can't meet all your needs. Did you know that big companies influence the Government to hold down wages so that they make more profit for themselves?
Why You should Avoid Wage Slave Trap
Employees that are brave enough, manage to purchase a property as a means of investment. This is encouraged by the government as means of security so that you are able to be loaned money against by lending institutions at a higher interest rate.
You should also be aware that the lending institution set rules such that if you default in loan repayment, the house will be taken away from you and lose out. This is why young people are scared of getting mortgages to purchase houses.
Medical insurance has become so expensive for ordinary people. You can't manage to pay for medical bills. You can't visit your own GP because of consultation fees which you can't afford. You are denied of the basic health needs. You are treated like a slave; you have no power or voice. You become stressed ending up with mental breakdown, heart attack, stroke and live a miserable life.
Why you Should Become your Own Boss
So never be caught in this wage slavery. Be a master of your own and rise above it like an eagle that flies above. How? By taking one step at a time every day until you become wealthy. Wealth comes by having money. Money is like Oxygen in your body. You can't survive without it. Money is sweat. It will make you live the way you want, eat what you want and money can take you any where you want.
You will never bow down to your boss, work those awkward shifts deprive you of your freedom and away from your family....
How To Become Wealthy
To become wealthy, you need to be your own boss and own a profitable business that can bring you good income every week, month and year. The business can be anything as long as it is legitimate and profitable. It can be selling newspapers, washing cars, cleaning windows and carpets, internet marketing or owning commercial estate.
By owning a profitable business, you are assured of great benefits. You reap all the rewards. All the profits are yours and you become wealthy and live in a luxury for ever.
You will never be worried of the economy getting tough.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1763102

Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Number One Reason How To Become A Self Made Millionaire

Other than being born rich or winning the lottery which we know doesn't happen that easy, you have to actually fight for your wealth in this world, working hard creating businesses that bring in 6 figures plus a year and so on, but the question is for everyone how do I get to this point in my life?
Maybe your telling yourself you aren't sure how to create a 6 figure or even a 7 figure a year business yourself...Or maybe you have money to invest but you aren't sure how and where to invest that money so it will flourish and turn in to wealth instead of thin air...
How to become a self-made millionaire doesn't start with creating a ton of money or having a business that has an annual income of 6 to 7 figures, nope that's not how wealth is made at all my friend, now your probably confused and are like what are you talking about, of course more money equals wealth duh...
I always have hated that term it takes money to make money, if that's the case then how come we aren't all self-made millionaires then, you have always had money you have a job you have savings, stocks, money, has been in your life forever and you have always had access to it, so how come you aren't rich yet?
You aren't rich yet because you haven't adapted the one simple thing that it takes in order to become a self-made millionaire. What the rich know how to do and you do as well the only difference between you and the rich is they put it in to action while you are still dreaming about wealth.
How to become a self-made millionaire truly breaks down to one simple process that you have to have discipline in order to even come close to obtaining wealth in your life.
Why the rich are rich, it's no huge secret well it shouldn't be. Becoming a self-made millionaire starts with being frugal the richest people in this world are the cheapest people, why the average people are out buying cars and homes they can't even afford a person who is building wealth is at the used car dealership next door purchasing a beat up 10 year old car that only coast them 6k while you're buying a brand new family car for 35k.
You can't complain that you haven't gained wealth in your life if this is you and all you do is spend money and save a little, you have to spend little save a lot that is the formula to becoming wealthy in every rich person's life.
Ask a very wealthy person on how to become a self-made millionaire and I bet that will say how much are you spending and how much are you saving in your life, the wealthy know what true sacrifice means and they take it in order to get what they want in the long term of things.
Now you have the formula on how to become a self-made millionaire so start putting this in to action in no longer just dream about becoming wealthy just become wealthy and live the life you are after.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6529110

Monday 20 April 2015

Ideas On How To Be Wealthy In Life When Working From Home

How do you make money and then make this work for you? Those who are wealthy have worked this out either the hard way or by learning from others. What would these wealthy people say about their secret to making money and growing wealth especially when working on ideas working from home.
Let's look at a 10 key lessons gathering the thoughts to what makes the few stand out from the rest. Draw your own conclusion to whether you feel these work for you:
1. Knowing your market. Whatever business you are in, whether selling products or providing a service, you need to know whether there is a demand. Knowing your market helps with a strategy and a plan. Begin with the end in mind as this will help you focus on the right areas. A goal without a plan is simply a wish.
2. Be customer driven. Understand your customers. What is their pain and how do you help solve this. The majority of businesses have been based on having a solution to help someone's pain. We are surrounded by people who are looking for answers.
3. Continue to become a student. Always learn and grow. Invest in yourself. Expose yourself to new ideas and meet interesting people (networking). Be hungry to learn. That one idea could be life changing.
South West airlines at one time ran a hub and spoke affair. They then went on to run a direct, no changing, no thrills business which went on to change the airline industry.
4. Having a Brand. Having a brand is powerful. Each of us are a brand in our own right. We are unique and have something to offer. What we do and how we behave is a reflection of our brand and is how people see and perceive us - an expression of you. Invest in your brand. How do brands like Cola and Nike etc communicate?
5. Cash is king. You need cash to grow and to invest in your business. Set budgets and know where you are going to spend this money to help you move forward month by month.
6. Time is money. How do you focus on money income producing activities - the essential ones? This is critical in any business. Time is your life and is no dress rehearsal. You need to concentrate on what matters and what is important.
7. Innovate. It is easy to sit back and watch the time go by. Are you moving forward with the times? One needs to constantly innovate. It is important to stay one step ahead which introduces constant change. This does not mean that people always get this right! Either way you must evolve, move with the times. Innovate or die.
8. Have a mentor. Find someone who touches you in a powerful way. You can learn loads from books, from studying etc, but where do you really gain life changing experiences? We all need a mentor. This should be someone who has learnt from the school of knocks, has experienced success and willing to pass on those benefits to you. Find a mentor who is prepared to guide you and give you direction. As you grow, give back and start mentoring yourself.
9. Figure out your passion - your Why. Go out for a stroll. Take time out and reflect on your passion; what it is you want to achieve - that very thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. Figure out why you do what you do - the very thing that defines you and makes you unique. Be congruent, true to yourself and you will be happier to show up.
10. Be a leader. Either lead or get out of the way. Stand tall, be heard and show up as a leader. Leadership makes all the difference to your business and life. Are leaders born or made? There is no one way - it's a state of mind on attitude. Leadership brings excellence, passion and motivation. Everything we do is seen under a microscope. Be aware how you come across. People watch what leaders do all the time. People follow leaders.
We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I'm helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don't know it or know how.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6864425

Thursday 16 April 2015

How to Become Wealthy - 10 Easy Steps That Most People Overlook

The road to becoming wealthy is not always the easiest path or endeavor for someone to take. It is one hundred percent attainable but there is a price to pay and sacrifices that most are not willing to make. Every one of you reading this article right now has the opportunity to become wealthy. Prosperity is not denied to anyone.
Here are my 10 Easy Steps that are so simple; they tend to be overlooked by most people:
1- Live Below Your Means:
Most people are not satisfied with their current lifestyle and couldn't even fathom the idea of downgrading. This is an uncomfortable position for anyone especially those who have children. However, you will not have to live below your comfort zones for the rest of your life, just a year or two. Living below your means will ensure that no money goes to waste on things that you absolutely do not need. Sure you will have to make a sacrifice but it is well worth it in the long run. This process will start you on the road to prosperity and that will change your life for the long run.
2- Budget Well:
Lose anything or activity that you absolutely do not need at this moment to live safely or healthy. Safety and health issues are more important than prosperity because without them, you will not be able to live for very long. Don't buy that I-phone or Blackberry just yet especially if you don't use it to make income. Hold off on buying that new car or getting that project for your new deck in the back yard. Sure you will be able to get these types of toys but just hold off long enough for your financial position to change. Spend your money more wisely even when shopping at the grocery store.
3-Keep Doing What Your Doing:
If you are working right now, keep your job until new and consistent income streams can replace your present income. One of the biggest mistakes that most new entrepreneurs make is to quit their jobs and use saved up income. This type of thinking can make you use up your nest egg and end up looking for a new job just as fast as you quit the old one. Use the leverage of your present income to continue to live off of until your financial situation changes.
4- Passive or Residual Income:
Find a passive income stream that will bring in added income outside your present income. Passive income is an income stream that will require you to build initially but grows by itself in the long run without your direct supervision and effort. Make sure that this passive income opportunity has a proven plan and then role up your sleeves and get to work learning the ropes. This type of income has a learning curve. Once you find something that you like, make sure not to quit building it until you have become a master. Once a passive income stream is established and you feel confident, find another one and get to work building that. Since you will be doing this while working your job, naturally you will have to find the time and fit it into your busy schedule. There are no exceptions. Examples of passive income are: Real Estate, Laundromats, Network Marketing and Stocks and Bonds. Be creative.
5- One Year Plan:
Have a one year plan to build your first passive income streams. This is the main reason why most new entrepreneurs fail. Everyone wants their situations to change but great things do not happen overnight. You will also have to sacrifice and keep your spending down for the first year. Make sure to find time daily two to three hours of work on your new venture each day until you have become a master in your new field.
6- Visualize:
You will need a lot of patience in order to become wealthy. Daily visualization of your end result will help keep you in tuned to your long term vision. It will keep you focused on your dream lifestyle.
7- Mentorship:
Try and find a mentor who can guide you along. Preferably one who has succeeded in your type of undertaking. A mentor can really assist you on the road to prosperity allowing you a shoulder to lean on and a road map of instructions to follow on your new journey.
8- Belief:
The idea of becoming wealthy must be believable to you. Don't worry, you can do this. Millions of people have already done so. What ever one person can do, all that apply the same techniques and strategies can reap the same rewards. It is a universal law.
9- Personal Development:
All successful people find time to build themselves daily. Before your income can grow on the outside, you will have to grow on the inside.
10- Perseverance:
There will be days that you will feel that you are getting no where and want to pack it in. This is another big mistake that new Entrepreneurs make. Many quit too soon. You will have to remember why you made the decision to become wealthy in the first place and stick to your decision. Make a vision board built with the pictures of those things in your life that you want or want changed. Keep them near to you and look at them daily. This practice will keep you in line and focused on your goals.
There you have it; this concludes my 10 steps for becoming wealthy. This is not rocket science. It is basically just using mathematics, commonsense, persistence combined with a desired outcome. You cut down on your spending, increase your earning power 10 fold and have the patience and courage to follow through with your decisions. Most millionaires have not been born with a silver spoon and have had many limitations. Don't let any limitation hold you back. You can be wealthy!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4935706

Wednesday 15 April 2015

How to Become Wealthy - The Insider Secrets to Become Wealthy

How Can I become wealthy? Many people daydream and even organize their plan of action to obtain wealth. What do the wealthy know, and how can you use that to help you to become wealthy?   The fact is majority of people did not create their wealth by buying a lottery ticket, or stumbling across a long lost relative that left them a fortune. Those that created their riches, created it by having the right mindset, and finding the right opportunity to create that life style.  
You want to become wealthy; it all starts with evaluating your values, and up bringing. Most of us were geared from a young age to believe you go to school, get a degree and find a job.   What is wrong with this philosophy, it is the rule of thumb we all use, but ever wonder why a small population is wealthy.   Education is critical in all markets of life, but most will not teach you how to create a rich life style.  They will not give you the critical elements and teach you how to build a business to create your own wealth. You don't hear of a Wealth Building Class, on the high school class list, your core values start as young as pre-school. You can see the challenge with many to start thinking and creating that millionaire mindset.
Become Wealthy - Your Action Game Plan
You have to work on your core values. The rich did not become rich without stepping out of the ordinary.   They stepped out of their safety zone, and got rid of the nine to five rule. Majority of the high income brackets are not working for someone else rather they are creating their own businesses, their own products and services to prosper.
 Your Action Guide To Become Wealthy
1.) Wealth Building Mindset Change - It all starts with you, and your thought process may have to change a little. This is not often an easy task; as for many they have the work ethic of a nine to five job. What the rich know is that majority of the time that job is not going to make you rich. Start saying today, that I want to stop working for someone else and want to make a change to improving mine. Understand as of this moment the only one in charge of your financial situation is you.
2.) Where Do The Wealthy Start From - Some were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but there is not since crying over the fact that the silver spoon was not in your cards. Think of some of the top millionaires, usually Donald Trump, trumps the list. What does he do, how did he create his millions?  If you examine the trends you will notice the majority of the wealthy, are entrepreneurs.
3.) Where You Are And Where You Want To Be - Okay nine chances out of ten what you are doing now is not working. Where are you now, is their open possibilities in your position that you are not exploring. What do you have to change in order to become wealthy? Now most are going to fire their job, until they are showing real profits and change. But maybe it is time to look in different directions.
4.) Internet Wealth - Becoming an entrepreneur and starting a successful business was more difficult years ago. In modern times there are more platforms and avenues to create your wealth. The worldwide web, and Internet Business start-ups are changing people's financial services. Compared to starting a bricks and motor business, there are lower start up with higher returns. For thousands each the Internet Business, or home based business industry is giving many a road map to success, without large overhead, and large set up fees.
5.) Online Mentoring and Coaching - Anybody who is wealthy did not  achieve those results without finding a mentor and training platform. This is not the type of training you can get in school, rather life methods and business building methods needed to create wealthy. In order to obtain your wealthy you need to align yourself with successful people. Seeking out a mentoring or coaching team to teach you how to build a successful business, and how to get that business to start creating your wealth is critical.
6.) Take Action - The wealthy did not just sit on there hands and wait for the day there life changed. They started to take action steps to become wealthy. Start researching different avenues. Start researching Internet Business, look for a mentoring team that can teach you how to build a successful business. 
If you want to become wealthy it has got to start with you.   The formula to changing your lifestyle goes beyond wishing and wanting for a better life, it goes toward changing your thought process, and then aligning yourself with successful people and getting the right training towards reaching your goals. The first step to become wealthy is to step out of your safety zone, and reach for those goals. Are you meant to become wealthy, I do not know and neither will you unless you start changing your mindset and breaking out of your safety bubble to seek your own wealth.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2229347

Tuesday 14 April 2015

How To Become Wealthy Through The Internet - Fake or True?

Many of us have dreams to be wealthy, to do the things we ever wanted without struggling if we have the money for it. Imagine that you would have money enough to go in holidays to the places were common people only can dream of. Or that you could live in a villa with space enough for your whole family. No more debts, no more worries. I think this is it where almost everybody is dreaming of.
There are different ways to earn money, but the most are not that kind of opportunity what brings lots of money in.
The common way is to get a job, but with the money you earn from it you will likely not get your dreams to reality. Your can pay your monthly bills, but often this is not enough. No, there has to be a way to make more money. There is, take a second job, but then you will not to be able to have a nice family life, and that is what you wanted in the first place.
You can start gambling, here you can make serious money, but you are not in control, you must have luck to get the first, second or third price! I never had luck with gambling, it cost me more than I got from it.
You can start you own offline business, this is what the most people want, but also here you need space to make your business, you need stock, you need to do weekly expensive advertisement, and of course you need money to set up you business. And this is a problem, because you are searching for a way to make money.
So, How to become wealthy through the internet?
But an easy way to earn some money is the internet. On the internet are thousands and thousands of opportunities to make money. I won't say it is easy, but with some good research and time investment you could really make money online.
I joined the last 2 years several online systems and programs into: "How To Become Wealthy Through The Internet" and I was scammed by a lot of these systems.
They promise you a 'Goldmine' but they forget to mention that it is their goldmine!
I really must say it is important to do research on these programs and type some phrases in Google and see the results of a certain program. Maybe you are saved before joining. This is very important!
If you found a 'clean' system then start to sign up in this system. The systems are offering a free membership, but the only reason for this is that they have to according the law. Free memberships will bring you no money, and take a lot of your time invested to promote this programs.
Join a really profitable program that is making money for you, a program with a downline system. Downline systems are personal referred members and from these personal referred members you earn money, because they have to refer too if they want to make money. So the only thing you must to do is promote your product, system or program. There are lots of possibilities on the internet to do so, the only thing you need is a computer, a internet connection and the program you joined. Make some good ads or find some to promote your product. Most programs provide their members with standard ads and other promotional stuff.
If you become wealthy through the internet is all up to you, it depends on how many time you invest to promote your product and on the quality of your ads.
My experience is that it takes at least a month to see the first results, but I have mostly the first days already results. The most profitable are the low investment programs, up to 50 dollar. People are willing to investment these kind of low investment programs.
Programs with higher profits needs also more experience and intensive promotion to get results, but it is also possible to make real money there.
The internet has real opportunities to earn money online, and every days new programs are launched. If you find a real good program then it is possible to become wealthy through the internet and becomes your dream reality.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/733344

Wednesday 8 April 2015

10 Things You Can Do to Insure Your Prosperity

1. Be Positive.
It's a known fact that optimists live longer and do better than pessimists. Practice seeing the positive side of everything. Become aware of any fears you may have about trusting in a positive outcome.
2. Examine Your Values.
Find out what really matters to you so you can use your personal values as a guide for planning your life. Support yourself by honoring your values.
3. Use Your Values As a Guide for Your Actions.
There's a saying that I like -- If one of us has to be uncomfortable, it doesn't have to be me. If you are ever asked to act against your own values, don't do it. This takes courage, and you will probably have to work through some fears, but do it!
4. Strive to Increase Your Levels of Awareness.
Awareness is the first step in the process of change. If you are going to change your life position, then it is important to take an inventory of where you are now. This means looking at the condition of your home, possessions and relationships as well as being very conscious of where you are now financially. Vagueness is a serious impediment to prosperity.
. Be Willing to Step Outside of YOUR Box.
If you keep on doing what you've been doing, you will keep on getting what you've been getting. If you are uncomfortable in any area of your life, then you will need to do something different in order to change.
6. Take Care of Yourself.
If you don't support and take care of yourself, others won't do it for you. The more you nourish yourself with what you actually need, the easier it will be to create a comfortable lifestyle. A comfortable body/mind/spirit reflects itself in prosperity.
7. Take Care of Your Money.
Balance your checkbook, post your sales, keep track of what you spend and earn. Money, like people, goes to those who nourish and care for it. If you don't learn to take care of your money, when you start earning more, it will overwhelm you. Every dollar is a decision and it's easier to learn to make financial decisions when there is less to deal with.
8. Keep Learning about Money Management.
Money is a powerful force that requires skill to handle it. A lot of people are intimidated by the whole money arena because they've never learned about it before. It is never too late to start and there are many good resources and books for beginners that will introduce you to the principles of investing and money management.
9. Take Responsibility for Your Personal Power.
It really bugs me when I hear people say things like, "I guess God (or any variation thereof) doesn't want me to have money now." I firmly believe that we create our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs and emotions (TBEs). Prosperity requires a willingness to no longer be dependent on others or to be a victim of circumstances. The principles we teach require a willingness to take responsibility for creating your own life -- and your prosperity.
10. Take Action.
Sitting still won't get you anywhere but where you are already. Small actions that move you closer to your goal of increased prosperity will move you along the path. Take small steps, but take them. For example, save a few dollars, read a book like Learn to Earn by Peter Lynch, balance your checkbook (if you don't normally do that), set realistic short-term financial goals, evaluate your life, add healthier foods to your diet. It's a good idea to get a buddy and make changes together. Talking about what you plan and the actions you are taking reinforces your resolve.
Joan Sotkin is the creator of ProsperityPlace.com, author of the popular book Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money, and host of the podcast The Prosperity Show. Subscribe to Joan's ezine, Prosperity Tips, at http://www.ProsperityPlace.com and listen to the podcast at [http://www.TheProsperityShow.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/341746

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Secret of Prosperity

Many people believe that having an abundance of money is the ultimate key to success. Many people believe that money is hard to earn, you have to have money to make more money, that lucky people have money. The common beliefs about money, prosperity and success really should be thrown right out the window. Think about this for a minute, if the common beliefs about success are so true, then why isn't everyone rich? Why aren't we all sipping champagne in our mansions? The truth is that the popular opinions and beliefs regarding prosperity are total misconceptions. The truth is that money is really only a simple method of exchange, the real value of money lies in what can be done with it. Another truth is that prosperity can be easily attracted once you know the secret rules and principles which govern it.
I mentioned that the true value of money comes from what it provides. Money itself is just paper and abstract notations but it offers things in this life which many people feel nothing else can provide. Freedom, the freedom to choose the type of life we want and need is represented by money. The freedom to choose where we want to live, what type of food we would like to eat, how many hours we want to work, what type of schools we want out children to attend, all of these choices and thousands more are wrapped up in dollar signs. Money equals freedom to make choices. Without money our choices are limited. Without money we are forced to eat government cheese, we exist but we don't really live, we are forced to settle for a life of mediocrity. Or are we? Can the freedom of choice be found in other ways? Is gaining money the only method available to us for creating change, for having more choices in life?
Changing our beliefs about money and prosperity can provide us with more choices in life. Once we begin to see that choices are available to us regardless of the size of our bank accounts, we begin to understand that the value represented by money is a simple thing to have. We enter into a way of thinking that draws prosperity to us, that creates opportunities, that allows us to gain a sense of freedom. There is a curious side affect to this way of thinking and that is that money comes to us as result in this shift in our beliefs.
Stop for a minute and think about how limiting it is to feel that your freedom to choose the course of your life has been stripped away. Popular beliefs about money and success have done exactly that. As soon as you fall into the trap of thinking that your choices are limited, you cripple yourself. There are always choices available to you. No matter what your circumstances are right now, there are choices to be had, there are options, there are paths to take. Remember, the real value in money is that it enables us to have the freedom to make choices.
Forget everything you have ever heard about the habits and philosophies of the rich and famous. Forget everything that you have ever heard in any get rich quick seminar or anything that you have heard about success programming, abundance training or any other information which promises a sure-fire formula for success. If this type of information had any merit whatsoever you would be rich already and so would everyone else in the world.
There's only one thing that all prosperous, successful people have in common, just one simple thing that they all share. They believe that they have choices. They aren't limited by circumstances. And this has nothing to do with how much money they have, even though they have mountains of it. It isn't about money, it's about beliefs. Every single successful person has had failures. The richest people on earth have all dealt with setbacks and disappointments, but they all believe in moving forward, in meeting challenges, in trying new things, and most importantly they have all held to the belief that they always have choices. Any other belief is secondary to this and any belief which doesn't support this idea leads nowhere. Belief in choices is limitless and leads to a life full of abundance.
Shed the incredibly limiting beliefs that you have mistaken as truth. Change your beliefs about your lack of choices and you will live a life of prosperity.
Have a spiritual, natural health or life coaching practice and want more clients? Free Business Coaching - Online event "How To Fill your Heart Centered Service Business using the EXACT energy and mindset techniques I used to double my client flow in 3 weeks. Presented by Leigh Rorke

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/381817

Saturday 4 April 2015

How To Become Wealthy Starting Today

Why is it that everyone wishes for wealth yet so few attain it?
It's not because they are not smart enough. It's not because they are not educated enough, and it's not because they don't work hard enough. On the contrary, most people already work too hard.
Why is Wealth Elusive?
The truth is that most people already posses all the qualities they need to attain wealth. So, why is wealth so elusive?
It comes down to not following a plan, a system, a method to accumulate wealth.
Call it what you like, but it's a fairly simple way of living that leads to wealth, and the overwhelming majority of people do not follow it.
You Need a Goal And a Plan
We've all heard it before. You must have a goal to become wealthy, and you must have a plan. It's as simple as that.
The catch is that all the plans and desire for wealth in the world usually lead you nowhere.
What's needed is a basic approach to daily life that results in small increments towards wealth.
Spend Less Than You Earn
In its most basic form it means that no matter what your earnings are, what your wages are, you must spend less than you earn. As Benjamin Franklin put it, "a penny saved is a penny earned."
Pretty simple, right? And you've heard it all before.
The key to wealth is to implement this simple process every single day, no matter what life throws at you. We all have obligations that seem to be just beyond what we earn, but we have to cope with these things.
In order to follow the plan outlined here, you have to spend less than you earn. The common wisdom is to spend no more than 80 percent of what you earn. The remaining 20 percent of your income should be invested in wealth producing vehicles.
Pay Yourself First
The way you ensure you're doing this is "to pay yourself first." You are the most important recipient of the money you earn, so pay yourself first.
You must have first claim over what you earn, so don't cheat yourself by standing at the end of the line of people taking a bite out of your earnings... pay yourself first.
Which investments to make is beyond the scope of this discussion. There are safe, well above average ways of investing to grow your wealth. You just need to do sufficient research and evaluate the opportunities you discover.
Caution And Common Sense
But use caution and common sense. Study the methods of wealthy people you know, or read about. Learn from the methods they used to accumulate wealth.
Youth Is A Great Advantage
The best time to put this plan into action is when you are young. If you learn, if you really understand the power of compounding interest, you will see what an incredible advantage you have if you are young and put these wealth creation concepts to work.
However, all the advise and recommendations will not help you unless you put what you learn into practice, staring today.
Get Started Today
Do not wait for the perfect time to get started. Do not fool yourself that you can't start now, that you have to wait till next month, or next year when you expect to be earning more money.
What will happen is that when that time comes, you will have still greater obligations to cope with.
Start now. There never will be a better time than now. The sooner you start, the sooner you adjust to living on 80 percent of what you earn, the sooner you will see that 20 percent you save and invest growing, compounding into astonishing wealth over time.
If you find yourself at another stage in your life, if you are approaching retirement, or even in retirement, you can still make this system work for you. It's never too soon to get started, and it's never too late. Just start now.
There never will be any time but now, so get started now.
No Need For Self-Denial
This method of accumulating wealth is not about great sacrifices. It's not about self-denial. It's about living sensibly, it's about paying yourself first.
Then taking care of necessities, including well deserved vacations, and other personal luxuries you enjoy.
These are also an important part of your life. Just be smart and creative to maximize the use of that 80 percent of what you earn.
Free From Financial Stress
As the weeks, moths and years go by, you will discover you have achieved a life free of financial stress. That's a prerequisite for a happy life.
My name is Juan Rademacher.
I spent most of my working years in corporate America. In spite of working with people that earned good salaries, and with some that earned well above average salaries, I never saw anyone becoming wealthy.
This article offers a practical way to wealth, as well as the explanation of why the people I worked with did not become wealthy. Could it have been because of the fancy cars they drove, or the lavish vacations I heard about?
This article contains the answer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8866796

Friday 3 April 2015

How To Become Wealthy - A 3 Step Formula

The most certain way to become wealthy is to model genuinely rich people. When you struggle financially, it is almost natural to think of the quickest and easiest way out of your financial mess, which often makes you a potential victim of get rich quick scams.
If you often wonder whether one can get rich without cheating, stealing or winning the lottery, I have an answer for you and it is a big yes.
To become wealthy, you need discipline, determination, and very clear financial goals. You must also be ready to work hard at achieving your goals. Here are three steps that can lead you to a life of sustainable wealth:
Step 1 - Change your attitude towards wealthy people.
Most people from poor or middle class backgrounds have been programmed to believe that rich people are greedy dishonest crooks who take advantage of the poor. Now think about this for a moment. Is this not a perfect excuse for your subconscious mind to sabotage your wealth creation efforts? However much you may want to become wealthy, deep inside you would want to be known as a rich greedy crook that takes advantage of the poor.
Step 2 - Set financial goals and work steadily towards them.
You may have heard this before and you will tell me that you have New Year's resolutions that you have never gotten round to implementing. The goals I am talking about here are financial goals and by setting these, you are able to set the strategies that you will adopt to achieve them.
To become wealthy, you need to know specifically how much money you want to make and in a given time frame. For Example 'I want to make $500,000 in the next six months using all the tools at my disposal, selling widgets' is a clear goal. Once you set a goal like this, it is easy for you to measure your progress along the way.
Step 3 - Invest in your financial education.
How much money do you spend on books, seminars and workshops that teach you how to earn, save and invest your money? Any money you spend on these activities is certain to bring you a return at some point in time. Investing in your financial education can never be a waste of time and money.
For instance, you attend a real estate investment seminar that costs you $2,500. In this seminar you learn how to buy property without having to come up with a large down payment, and you take action based on your newly acquired knowledge.
Two months later, you own an investment property worth $250,000. Suddenly the $2,500 does not seem to be significant, given your return on investment.
Many people resist buying books because in their opinion, the only people getting rich are the authors. If you have such an attitude, you will never be able to move to the next level, because if you are not learning, you are not growing and if you are not growing, you are dying.
No one creates and sustains wealth by accident.
Are you looking for financial freedom? Visit http://www.secretformulaforwealth.com today and download a free eBook "7 Wealth Secrets of The Rich Finally Revealed!"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5617282

Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Secret of How to Become Wealthy From Home

I used to be an automotive technician and one thing I noticed is that there aren't any that are financially independent. They have control of their money and what they do on their time off but that's it. It's their boss that controls the hours they work, how much they get paid and when they can go on vacation. Even though they get to choose where they go, their finances limit that choice. Not that many people can afford their dream vacation.
The way the economy is going I was starting to get scared. I wanted to become financially stable, not live from paycheck to paycheck like most people do. I was looking for something extra and came across the IPC program (Internet Profit Centre). I started to do research on the program and to check out what other people had to say about it. I wanted to know if it really worked and to make sure it wasn't a scam. With all the research I did I couldn't find anything wrong with it.
I found the IPC program to be an excellent opportunity to become wealthy at home. They have a section that gives you all the training you need to run the program as well as promote it. It's all step by step in video as well as audio format. You can even set it up so that the money you make goes directly in to your bank account. You have online support available to you 24/7. You also receive 51 e-books to show you how to become wealthy at home. And you get live training with Mr. Dan Miller, the person who started this wonderful program. This training provides you with the knowledge you need to be successful.
There are many ways to promote this program and guarantee your financial stability. Some methods are fast and have no cost, others though fast do require some investment, and there are free methods that take time to apply. These are all included in the training in easy to understand steps. If you are willing to put in some time the results are phenomenal. You start to receive $200.00 over and over again. You can make several sales a day and it all goes directly in to your bank account. You can make money in the first twenty-four hours, and because the program is 98% automated you can make money while you sleep. I don't know about you but I've never had a job before that paid $600.00 to $1000.00 a day for only 2-3 hours of work. At the beginning it was only extra income for me, now it's my only job.
You might be thinking that this program must be hard to run and that you need to be a computer expert to succeed. That is the farthest thing from the truth. If you can check your e-mail then you can run this program. Everything you need to know is there for you, all it takes is a bit of work to set it up and monitor it. And if there is something you're having trouble with help is available, it's only a phone call or e-mail away. If you look on the website you'll see that I've also included my e-mail and phone number.
For more information on how to become wealthy at home just go to: [http://www.MoneyAndSuccessAtHome.com]
At 25 Years old, I became wealthy at home with a home based business online with the IPC program. Come and learn the secret to success and how to make money with the internet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1979561