Monday 20 April 2015

Ideas On How To Be Wealthy In Life When Working From Home

How do you make money and then make this work for you? Those who are wealthy have worked this out either the hard way or by learning from others. What would these wealthy people say about their secret to making money and growing wealth especially when working on ideas working from home.
Let's look at a 10 key lessons gathering the thoughts to what makes the few stand out from the rest. Draw your own conclusion to whether you feel these work for you:
1. Knowing your market. Whatever business you are in, whether selling products or providing a service, you need to know whether there is a demand. Knowing your market helps with a strategy and a plan. Begin with the end in mind as this will help you focus on the right areas. A goal without a plan is simply a wish.
2. Be customer driven. Understand your customers. What is their pain and how do you help solve this. The majority of businesses have been based on having a solution to help someone's pain. We are surrounded by people who are looking for answers.
3. Continue to become a student. Always learn and grow. Invest in yourself. Expose yourself to new ideas and meet interesting people (networking). Be hungry to learn. That one idea could be life changing.
South West airlines at one time ran a hub and spoke affair. They then went on to run a direct, no changing, no thrills business which went on to change the airline industry.
4. Having a Brand. Having a brand is powerful. Each of us are a brand in our own right. We are unique and have something to offer. What we do and how we behave is a reflection of our brand and is how people see and perceive us - an expression of you. Invest in your brand. How do brands like Cola and Nike etc communicate?
5. Cash is king. You need cash to grow and to invest in your business. Set budgets and know where you are going to spend this money to help you move forward month by month.
6. Time is money. How do you focus on money income producing activities - the essential ones? This is critical in any business. Time is your life and is no dress rehearsal. You need to concentrate on what matters and what is important.
7. Innovate. It is easy to sit back and watch the time go by. Are you moving forward with the times? One needs to constantly innovate. It is important to stay one step ahead which introduces constant change. This does not mean that people always get this right! Either way you must evolve, move with the times. Innovate or die.
8. Have a mentor. Find someone who touches you in a powerful way. You can learn loads from books, from studying etc, but where do you really gain life changing experiences? We all need a mentor. This should be someone who has learnt from the school of knocks, has experienced success and willing to pass on those benefits to you. Find a mentor who is prepared to guide you and give you direction. As you grow, give back and start mentoring yourself.
9. Figure out your passion - your Why. Go out for a stroll. Take time out and reflect on your passion; what it is you want to achieve - that very thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. Figure out why you do what you do - the very thing that defines you and makes you unique. Be congruent, true to yourself and you will be happier to show up.
10. Be a leader. Either lead or get out of the way. Stand tall, be heard and show up as a leader. Leadership makes all the difference to your business and life. Are leaders born or made? There is no one way - it's a state of mind on attitude. Leadership brings excellence, passion and motivation. Everything we do is seen under a microscope. Be aware how you come across. People watch what leaders do all the time. People follow leaders.
We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I'm helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don't know it or know how.
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