Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Number One Reason How To Become A Self Made Millionaire

Other than being born rich or winning the lottery which we know doesn't happen that easy, you have to actually fight for your wealth in this world, working hard creating businesses that bring in 6 figures plus a year and so on, but the question is for everyone how do I get to this point in my life?
Maybe your telling yourself you aren't sure how to create a 6 figure or even a 7 figure a year business yourself...Or maybe you have money to invest but you aren't sure how and where to invest that money so it will flourish and turn in to wealth instead of thin air...
How to become a self-made millionaire doesn't start with creating a ton of money or having a business that has an annual income of 6 to 7 figures, nope that's not how wealth is made at all my friend, now your probably confused and are like what are you talking about, of course more money equals wealth duh...
I always have hated that term it takes money to make money, if that's the case then how come we aren't all self-made millionaires then, you have always had money you have a job you have savings, stocks, money, has been in your life forever and you have always had access to it, so how come you aren't rich yet?
You aren't rich yet because you haven't adapted the one simple thing that it takes in order to become a self-made millionaire. What the rich know how to do and you do as well the only difference between you and the rich is they put it in to action while you are still dreaming about wealth.
How to become a self-made millionaire truly breaks down to one simple process that you have to have discipline in order to even come close to obtaining wealth in your life.
Why the rich are rich, it's no huge secret well it shouldn't be. Becoming a self-made millionaire starts with being frugal the richest people in this world are the cheapest people, why the average people are out buying cars and homes they can't even afford a person who is building wealth is at the used car dealership next door purchasing a beat up 10 year old car that only coast them 6k while you're buying a brand new family car for 35k.
You can't complain that you haven't gained wealth in your life if this is you and all you do is spend money and save a little, you have to spend little save a lot that is the formula to becoming wealthy in every rich person's life.
Ask a very wealthy person on how to become a self-made millionaire and I bet that will say how much are you spending and how much are you saving in your life, the wealthy know what true sacrifice means and they take it in order to get what they want in the long term of things.
Now you have the formula on how to become a self-made millionaire so start putting this in to action in no longer just dream about becoming wealthy just become wealthy and live the life you are after.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6529110

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