Sunday 28 February 2016

The Money Making Key

It is interesting how many books a person can read on money and still not get what the key is to making money. Money by itself is just an idea and a product of that idea which in its own right has a science to it just like anything else we know. The key is simply and never complicated.

While it is true that we can think and grow rich it is also true that sitting and dreaming only makes you a lazy person. Thinking is important and believing is just as important. The laws of attraction are just as applicable as at any time in the making of money, however this is not the key. For any domain in the world there is a single key that opens the door. We can come up with all these different ideas and recognize that making money requires knowledge, marketing skills, belief, management, vision, mission and all that but at the end, these things are only but just the building blocks of a house. All these things are windows, doors, bricks, roofs, floors in the house of making money. For any house which is built and complete to perfection, if that house is locked you cannot enter as long as you do not have the key. The key is the smallest thing which is part of the house but it is the strategic resource which secures and opens the way into the house. Sometimes people may enter into the house of making money through the window but it will never last forever until you have the key in your hands.

Money by its nature is paper and coins, which in real use have no use at all. If anything paper money is good for using in the fire just like any other newspaper would be useful yet it seems to have power. Power by proper definition is simple being able to influence and money is able to influence events through the influencing of the imagination of people because they choose to allow it. We can take two billion and put it into the street and ask it to start building a house, and we leave it to do its work for two years whilst we go away. The obvious thing is that money will not build anything until someone believes that it is valuable and then is willing to do the building in exchange for the money. It will also need that another person must be willing to believe that the money is valuable enough for the person to exchange their building material for the money. Yet what we miss is that it is still possible to build a house in a world absent of money simple by getting the material and building. It is like living outside the city where the resources are; in such cases our ancestors never needed money to build a house yet they could build and sustain themselves. If you can understand this example you are close to getting the key to making money.

A person who buries money in the ground proves that a seed is more useful than a coin put in the ground because at least the seed germinates and from it you can get food. Plants are more useful than money in that by themselves if they are in the right place they can grow without any person believing in them. Money on the other hand if there is no person around it is useless and cannot achieve anything. Money hence needs people to believe in its value for it to become useful which is why the believing becomes important. It is in this that we begin to understand why belief is so important to money yet money is just paper. When a person has a car which is worth twenty thousand dollars, that does not mean anything because twenty thousand dollars does not mean anything as it is just a number. The same car at an auction can be sold for thirty thousand and still that does not anything because thirty thousand is just a number of beliefs. The car is useful but its true value can never be valued by number it is only valued by what the car represents in terms of what it can do. By now you might be starting to get an idea of what the key to making money is.

A good definition of money is that money is just a belief of value expressed in numbers, which we then give a representation through paper and coins. If you want to be rich you need an idea which people believe is worth a certain number you propose. For example, Bill Gates became rich because he proposed an idea and expressed it as a product to which a value was then assigned to that product and people believed. Being rich is not about the capital that you need to start a business and making money, it is not about the business or the salary; it is simply about ideas that people are willingly to put a value on to. Everything you have ever bought in your life was just an idea that was given a value. People will pay for anything as long as you make them believe it is useful to them. They will buy cologne, wine, phones, books, clothes, pay for electricity, buy water, and even buy stones. Diamonds are just shiny stones and so are all jewels, but because people believe in them they will pay whatever price is proposed on them, just like wedding rings. People will finish their savings to have the best wedding which leaves them broke for the next two years simply because they believe in the value of it. It is only when you go beyond their mental acceptance of pricing that they will refuse a product, so take care in that regard.

Think of anything you have ever come across and this key is the same. Think of Facebook, Google, iPhone, Nokia, Louis Vuitton, Ferrari, Microsoft Windows, sliced bread, and McDonalds; these are all ideas which when you buy, you buy believing that they have a certain value. It does not mean that this is the real value but the fact is someone has done a good job in convincing you that this is the value. Remember about the two billion dollars left in the street, it has no value and cannot do anything until someone believes that it has values and is willing to work for it.

Money on its own is useless but if you make people believe in what money can bring to their lives, they will be willing to kill, fight, and die for it. It is just an idea which people believe can bring them some sort of advantage. This is when people advertise they claim that their product will do specific things for you. All that everyone is trying to do is convince you to put a value to their product. Money is just a psychological tool that any person can use to gain advantage in life. If you want to make money very fast in life, find out what people believe is worth their money and sell it to them; that is the key to making money.

Friday 26 February 2016

How Will You Make Money Working From Home?

Where's The Money Tree?

If your family depends on your full time income and you want to switch to a part time work at home career, you need to know how quitting your job will impact the family finances and how you will make money working from home.

Do you still love your current job? Does it support your career ambitions and make you smile, only you want more time with your family? If so, perhaps you can negotiate a full or part time work from home agreement with your manager.

Check out Monster and Career Builder for current corporate telecommuting opportunities. More and more large companies are recognizing the value of a home based work force. Target these companies and see if they'll agree to a work at home arrangement.

What else are you good at? What do you enjoy? It's important to jot down a list of skills and talents that could potentially enable you to earn income from home.

What about becoming an entrepreneur, "solopreneur" or "mompreneur"? There are lots of ways to start home-based businesses. You could offer freelance writing, web design or programming services, sell products online or be an independent sales or customer service representative. There are also lots of companies that might hire you on a project or contract basis.

Do you want to sell products on eBay or create and manage your own online store? Or perhaps you want to sell other people's products as an affiliate. The opportunities on the web are endless.
Or maybe you can become an Internet marketer. Ebooks and audio programs are wonderful vehicles to promote your products and services and get your name out to the marketplace.
What Are Your Skills and Talents Worth?

If you've been working in a corporate environment for any length of time, people will pay you for what you know. The Internet has truly leveled the playing field for men and women knowledge workers.

The trick is knowing how to package your skills and talents into a service offering that people will pay for.

A good way to start putting this together is to reverse engineer your resume. In other words, really look at your job/life experience in terms of a product (or service offering) someone could buy. When you're interviewing for a "real job", what are you really selling?

For example, if you have 3-5 years experience as a corporate event planner, organizing, managing and promoting software conferences, you can position yourself as a corporate event services consultant. Instead of applying directly for these specific full time jobs on Monster or Career Builder, pitch your services as a consultant on a project basis.

It may take a few tries before you get someone willing to listen, but once they do you've got a foot in the door. The benefit to them is they don't have to pay you a salary or benefits. You can propose to take on as much of the project you want to work on and clearly demonstrate how you'll add value.
And what about your fee? How much should you charge? As much as you can! Seriously, a very basic rule of thumb is to take your current salary, ignore the last 3 digits and divide it by 2. This is how much you make per hour, assuming you work 50 weeks a year and take two weeks vacation. For example, if you currently make $60,000, divide 60 by 2 and you get $30 an hour. Your fee should be at least double this amount to compensate you for benefits, vacation/sick time, social security, and other overhead.

Try It Out
You know the saying - you never know unless you try. Test a few of these ideas out. Talk to your manager about a part time work from home arrangement or look at other corporate telecommuting opportunities.

Or try some freelance opportunities before you quit your job. See if you can land a few moonlighting gigs here and there. It will help you see what's available in the outside world before you need it. Plus it will give you and great confidence to move forward to your dream of a work at home lifestyle.

Thursday 25 February 2016

7 Secrets Of Wealth Creation

As a property developer and a builder I became wealthy, although it is doubtful if I was truly wealthy in a holistic life sense. If we are considering financial wealth though, I certainly know how to make it and only recently I have considered how the construction of a building correlates to building and becoming wealthy in a truly successful life.
These are the 7 Secrets to Wealth Creation to Become Wealthy
Secret 1:
Clear the land.
It is so important to have the mindset to become wealthy -- past blockages must be removed and a good base laid for the receiving of the methods of getting rich. There are many excellent processes to do this, one of my favourites being Voice Dialogue which is a fun process to know who you are and what is driving your subconscious. There will be a problem in you becoming wealthy if you have blockages from your parents such as 'money does not grow on trees', you will need to change those thoughts to ones of abundance in your life.
Secret 2:
Design the building.
Look at your values and get all the background information needed to design your new wealthy life. It is important that your values, beliefs, and subconscious are all aligned to your wealth creation. Your values need to be aligned to being proud of being wealthy and not considering the wealthy as being people to ridicule or criticise. Is there a reason that you have taken out too much debt, or a reason why you need to spend too much?
Secret 3:
Full documentation prepared.
Get your plan and your goals down on paper. Tackle the issues of debt management and income creation. There is truth in the saying that if you fail to plan it is the same as if you planned to fail. Have a clear strategic plan working all the way through to your ultimate goal. This could be through the process of firstly paying off all bills and credit cards through to having more income in one month than you can spend in a month. Or it could be to pay yourself first 10% of your income working through to 10% of your income being $50,000 per month.
Secret 4:
Program the Works.
Whether you call it a program, a plan or for more graphic people, a map, have a timescale for clearing debts, paying bills on time, pay yourself first and all the steps to your end result in your Becoming Wealthy Plan. Make sure you have achievable targets with clarity in the actions required and the achievement dates.
Secret 5:
Build the Structure.
Ah, now we are getting into the real action. Time to work on the Works Program and take action. Up until now it has been in the planning stage, now is the time to take MASSIVE ACTION and meet the goals for 2010. This is the fun part as you will now see that you are reaching the Wealth Goals set as you reduce your debt, start to build on your income streams and asset creation towards Becoming Wealthy.
Secret 6:
Put on the Roof. It's all gone well and you are now at zero with your debts and the structure of your wealth creation has been built. It has been said, it is easy to make money, but can you keep it? That is why we have a roof, to keep out the rain and to keep safe the people inside. Your roof is to protect your wealth, this is just so important and your must be aware again of any subconscious issue you may have.
Secret 7:
Finishes and landscaping.
Things are looking good, celebrate, have some fun, but remember to help others. We do not really have Wealth unless it can be enjoyed and shared.
The analogy is that building your Dream Home is like building your Wealthy Life, we refer not only to Financial Wealth, but also Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual Wealth. If you Become Wealthy, you can build your Dream Home whilst living your Dream Life in 2010 and Beyond.
You may not have the expertise to tackle all the above or some of the steps in the process. If you need assistance get a wealth mentor or a wealth coach, they can be invaluable to give you the strategies and tactics and to keep you on target.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Get Wealthy By Doing The Things You Love in Life

When you think about the amount of work you put in to earn money on a weekly basis, what kind of emotion does that thought generate? Are you angry about the poor working conditions in your place of employment? Do you hate your main boss or supervisor? If you don't truly relish the thought of going back to work on Monday morning and doing the job that you are getting paid good money for, then maybe you should be doing something else to generate a healthy income. You would be surprised at the amount of people in the American workplace who actually do enjoy their job. The latest poll that was taken regarding this issue came to this conclusion: 60% of all working Americans truly love their job, while only 35% said they should be looking for more productive work in the field of their choice. What category do you fall into?
Money is not the root of all evil, as so many people have stated. No, the true phrase is the "love of money is the root of all evil". That changes the complexity of the phrase entirely. But the phrase should really be: The love of making money for yourself is the key to true happiness. Think about that phrase for a moment. Does that sound greedy? It should not because when you really do enjoy making money for your lifestyle in whatever vocation you really love, it enhances all of your surroundings, including your friends and relatives.
A truly joyless person always brings down whomever that person happens to be around. But if that joyless person all of a sudden got a great-paying job at a movie studio making a ton of money as a PR assistant to Steven Spielberg, his mood would be greatly enhanced so much that he would hug the first person he came in contact with! You should turn that joyful person into you.
You should make money a life-fulfillment choice, not a negative distraction When it comes to money, most people are so distracted by the negative effects of never having enough money in their bank accounts, that they are consumed by the never-ending need to save more money, make more money and even steal more money. When things get so desperate in life that you have to steal from people, you know you've hit the absolute rock bottom in your life. It happens to people all over the world though.
When you're two-year old is screaming for baby food, and you just ran out of the last jar with no chance of getting any more, or your car is about to be re-possessed by the bank, you might actually think about robbing your next-door neighbor's plasma TV just to make ends meet. That is the pinnacle of having let money make a huge negative impact on your life. The only way to avoid that is to make earning your money fulfilling to you every time you receive a paycheck.
To get over the negative aspects of acquiring money, you need to starting earning it through doing something you would do any way. A good example would be to seek out one of those internet companies that pay you to web surf. I know it sounds like a scam, but they really do have legitimate programs out there that pays you a certain percentage for each time you use their browser to surf the web. That three cents a click can turn into ten dollars a week, and then skyrocket to forty dollars a month real fast. It is amazing the amount of joy you will receive when someone actually pays you to do something you truly love. Even that little amount goes a long way to turn your negative looks at money into positive ones.
Money has no true inherent value, so stop treating it like it does People seem to always "ooh" and "ahh" when they see a thousand dollar bill, or even a one hundred dollar bill when somebody shows it to them in person. They tend to think of it as a work of art or other commodity that has inherent value. Get that thought out of your head right now! Money itself is determined by social consensus, which means that if the US dollar goes down, so does the amount of things you can buy with it. So why worship something that you can never put a true value on? It does not make sense to do something like that, and being able to look at money and see what it really is will free your mind from the stranglehold that acquiring money has on your psyche. Start visualizing money for the true thing it really is: Green Paper! Nothing more, nothing less.
How to earn money the right way Let's examine the different ways money is earned on a day to day basis. A lot of people sell possessions to earn money. If you really hate to go to your job every day, maybe this avenue is right for you. eBay is a good way to sell whatever it is that you feel will earn you some good profit potential, so look into that immediately. Look for and research a market inefficiency that you can fulfill and take the profit from. For instance, if you have a real knowledge of everything that has to do with computer parts, and you know where to get them very cheaply by buying them in bulk, check eBay to see what most of the bids are going for. The best rule of thumb to see if you can generate a good amount of money from those profits is: You paid $50 for 20GB of memory by buying 40 memory chips for $200. Sold the 20GB on eBay for $120 each.
That is more than a fifty percent profit margin, more than enough to earn some good money from those sales, even if you have to buy the memory in bulk. As long as the bids are going for $120, you will continue to make that average so the remaining memory chips can be sold at the same price or even more if that memory chips becomes more of a commodity.
Another way of earning money is by investing any money you have that is not appreciating at all. By that, I mean if you have $500 just sitting around in a savings account that is generating only 2 percent interest, you need to take that money out now and open a low-interest CD account that generates four percent interest every month. Since your amount is only $500, you are not qualified for the higher-earning CD account, but at least it's a start! That's the way you can actually accumulate more money by earning a passive income, which many people believe is the greatest way to earn long term profits.
If you start out right now and are able to develop five lines of passive income coming to you within the next month, by the end of the year you should have at least an extra total profit of $300. And usually passive incomes increase by a ratio of 20 percent every year, so after two years your profit will be up to earning $380 a year on that initial $300 profit. And the best way to grow way beyond that is to find at least three more ways to generate other streams of passive income so the money-making potential increases by forty percent every year. That would translate into an extra $45 in free money for you per month by doing absolutely nothing! Amazing stuff, huh?
Leave the "moocher" mindset behind When you are kid and still living at home, you are expected to live off the earnings that your father and mother bring home every week. But when you reach eighteen and are out of high school, if you still live at home and have your hand out every day demanding the same money that they used to give you when you were in school, you will become what society calls a "moocher". Today, a lot of twenty-somethings still retain this attitude, and the parents don't seem to have a problem with it! These forty year old parents seem to think that it's a lot tougher today for kids to make a decent living, so we'll allow Johnny or Tiffany to stay at home until they can afford an apartment or a house on their own. That is called enabling, folks and it helps absolutely no one if it continues to go unchecked.
The kids who are pampered at home are the ones who are least likely to find a great job and contribute to society. They will still look for handouts from friends, strangers and family every day to supplement their measly incomes or to support their daily video game lifestyles. Don't ever become a moocher, and don't ever give a moocher your hard-earned cash, no matter how much they beg. The best social mindset that you can have today is by contributing a part of your money to a charity organization, not to a lazy twenty-three year old who still lives at home surfing the web 12 hours a day.
These days, its easier than ever to find a job that your son or daughter can excel at as long as they have a good working knowledge of all things connected to the pc and the internet. So don't let them bully you into letting them stay at home until their thirty. Do some job searching of your own and get them out there on interviews if you have to. We all need to make an effort in life to achieve the things we want, and your kids are no different.
I hope this has helped improve the way you earn and view money in the future , and I hope it also will help you to find new ways of earning the profit you need to enhance your lifestyle.
Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to [] and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

Sunday 21 February 2016

3 Simple Steps To Building Wealth

Building wealth - it is a topic that sparks heated dialogue, promotes offbeat "get wealthy quick" schemes and drives folks to pursue transactions they may otherwise ne'er take into account. "Three straightforward Steps to assembling Wealth" could seem sort of a dishonest  title, however it is not. Whereas these steps square measure straightforward to know, they don't seem to be straightforward to follow.

The Steps

Basically, building wealth boils all the way down to this: To accumulate wealth over time, you would like to try to 2 things:

  1. You need to make it. This suggests that before you'll be able to begin to save lots of or invest, you would like to possess a semipermanent supply of financial gain that is ample enough to possess some left over when you've got coated your wants.
  2. You need to save it. Once you have got associate degree financial gain that is enough to hide your basics, you would like to develop a proactive savings set up.
  3. You need to invest it. Once you get put aside a monthly savings goal, you would like to speculate it providentially.
Getting on Track

Step1: creating Enough cash

This step could seem elementary, except for people who square measure simply beginning out, or square measure in transition, this can be the foremost basic step. Most people have seen tables showing that a little quantity often saved and combined over time will eventually add up to substantial wealth. However, those tables ne'er cowl the opposite sides of the story - that's, square measure you are creating enough to save lots of within the initial place? And square measure you adequate at what you are doing and does one fancies it enough that you simply will bank for forty or fifty years so as to save lots of that money? (For connecting reading, see Understanding The duration of cash and Delay In Savings Raises Payments presently.)

To begin, there square measure 2 styles of financial gain - attained and passive. Attained financial gain comes from what you "do for a living," whereas passive financial gain comes from investments. This section deals with attaining financial gain.

Those starting their careers or within the interior of a career amendment will place confidence in the subsequent four concerns to determine a way to derive their "earned income":

  1.  Take into account what you fancy. You may perform higher and be additional doubtless to succeed financially doing one thing you fancy.
  2.  Take into account what you are smart at. Verify what you are doing well and the way you'll be able to use those skills to earn a living.
  3. Take into account what is going to pay well. Verify careers mistreatment what you fancy and move which will meet your monetary expectations.
  4. Take into account a way to get there (educational needs, etc.). Verify the educational needs, if any, required to pursue your choices.
  5.  Taking these concerns under consideration can place you on the correct path. The key's to be broad-minded and proactive. You must conjointly judge your financial gain scenario annually.
Step 2: Saving Enough of It

You make enough cash, you reside practically, however you are not saving enough. What is wrong? There is only 1 reason why this occurs: your desires exceed your budget. To develop a budget or to urge your existing budget on the right track, attempt these steps:

  1. Track your disbursal for a minimum of a month. You'll need to use a money software system package to assist you are doing this. If not, your chequebook is that the best place to start out. Either way, certify you reason your expenditures. Typically, simply being attentive to what quantity you're disbursal can assist your management your disbursal habits.
  2. Trim the fat. Break down your desires and wishes. The necessity for food, shelter and article of clothing square measure obvious, however you furthermore, may ought to address less obvious desires. As an example, you'll understand you are intake lunch in a building daily. Transferral your own lunch to figure 2 or additional days every week can assist you save cash.
  3. Change per your dynamical desires. As you go on, you almost certainly can realize that you have over- or under-budgeted a specific item and wish to regulate your budget consequently.
  4.  Build your cushion - you ne'er extremely apprehend what is round the corner. You must aim to save lots of around 3 to 6 months' value of living expenses. This savings prepares you for money setbacks, like job loss or health issues. If saving this cushion looks intimidating, begin little. 
  5. Get matched! Contribute to your leader's 401(k) or 403(b) and check out to urge the most your employer is matching. Some employers match 100% of the participant's contribution, and this could be an enormous incentive to feature even a number of bucks every cheque. 
The most necessary step is to tell apart between what you actually would like and what you simply need. Finding straightforward ways in which to save lots of a amount of further USD here, there might embody programming your thermostat to show itself down once you are not reception, mistreatment plain gasolene rather than premium, keeping your tires absolutely inflated, shopping for furnishings from a top quality thrift search and learning a way to cook. this does not mean that you simply got to be thrifty all the time: if you are meeting savings goals, you must be willing to reward yourself and splurge (an applicable amount) once in a very while! You will feel higher and be driven to create more cash.

Step 3: finance It befittingly

You're making enough cash and you are saving enough, however you are golf stroke it bushed conservative investments. That is fine, right? Wrong! If you would like to make a large portfolio, you have got to require on risk, which implies you will have to speculate in equities. Therefore, However does one verify what is the right exposure for you? (Confused regarding risk? Scan decisive Risk and therefore the Risk Pyramid.)
Begin with an associate degree assessment of your scenario. The CFA Institute advises investors to make associate degree Investment Policy Statement. To begin, verify you come and risk objectives. Quantify all of the weather moving your money life as well as social unit financial gain, some time horizon, tax concerns, money flow/liquidity desires and the other factors that square measure distinctive to you.

Next, verify the suitable plus allocation for you. Possibly, you may ought to meet with a monetary authority unless you recognize enough to try this on your own. This allocation is going to be supported the Investment Policy Statement you have got devised. Your allocation can possibly embody a mix of money, mounted financial gain, equities and different investments.

Risk antipathetical investors ought to detain mind that portfolios would like a minimum of some equity exposure to shield against inflation. Also, younger investors will afford to put-on additional of their portfolios to equities than older investors, as they need time on their aspect. (To scan additional, verify plus Allocation methods, 5 Things to understand regarding plus Allocation and Achieving optimum plus Allocation.)
Finally, diversify. Invest your equity and glued financial gain exposures over a variety of categories and designs. Don't try and time the market. Once one vogue (e.g., crop growth) is underperforming the S&P five hundred, it's quite attainable that another is outperforming. Diversification takes the temporal arrangement part out of the sport. A certified advisor will assist you develop a prudent diversification strategy.


Building wealth over time depends on the winning execution of 3 steps: 1) having enough financial gain, 2) saving associate degree adequate portion of that financial gain and 3) finance what you save providentially. More matured the trail that ends up in wealth begins with a thoughtfully made set up and diligent execution of that set up. associate degree capitalist United Nations agency stays thereon course ought to in time realize that he or she is with success building wealth.