Tuesday 23 February 2016

Get Wealthy By Doing The Things You Love in Life

When you think about the amount of work you put in to earn money on a weekly basis, what kind of emotion does that thought generate? Are you angry about the poor working conditions in your place of employment? Do you hate your main boss or supervisor? If you don't truly relish the thought of going back to work on Monday morning and doing the job that you are getting paid good money for, then maybe you should be doing something else to generate a healthy income. You would be surprised at the amount of people in the American workplace who actually do enjoy their job. The latest poll that was taken regarding this issue came to this conclusion: 60% of all working Americans truly love their job, while only 35% said they should be looking for more productive work in the field of their choice. What category do you fall into?
Money is not the root of all evil, as so many people have stated. No, the true phrase is the "love of money is the root of all evil". That changes the complexity of the phrase entirely. But the phrase should really be: The love of making money for yourself is the key to true happiness. Think about that phrase for a moment. Does that sound greedy? It should not because when you really do enjoy making money for your lifestyle in whatever vocation you really love, it enhances all of your surroundings, including your friends and relatives.
A truly joyless person always brings down whomever that person happens to be around. But if that joyless person all of a sudden got a great-paying job at a movie studio making a ton of money as a PR assistant to Steven Spielberg, his mood would be greatly enhanced so much that he would hug the first person he came in contact with! You should turn that joyful person into you.
You should make money a life-fulfillment choice, not a negative distraction When it comes to money, most people are so distracted by the negative effects of never having enough money in their bank accounts, that they are consumed by the never-ending need to save more money, make more money and even steal more money. When things get so desperate in life that you have to steal from people, you know you've hit the absolute rock bottom in your life. It happens to people all over the world though.
When you're two-year old is screaming for baby food, and you just ran out of the last jar with no chance of getting any more, or your car is about to be re-possessed by the bank, you might actually think about robbing your next-door neighbor's plasma TV just to make ends meet. That is the pinnacle of having let money make a huge negative impact on your life. The only way to avoid that is to make earning your money fulfilling to you every time you receive a paycheck.
To get over the negative aspects of acquiring money, you need to starting earning it through doing something you would do any way. A good example would be to seek out one of those internet companies that pay you to web surf. I know it sounds like a scam, but they really do have legitimate programs out there that pays you a certain percentage for each time you use their browser to surf the web. That three cents a click can turn into ten dollars a week, and then skyrocket to forty dollars a month real fast. It is amazing the amount of joy you will receive when someone actually pays you to do something you truly love. Even that little amount goes a long way to turn your negative looks at money into positive ones.
Money has no true inherent value, so stop treating it like it does People seem to always "ooh" and "ahh" when they see a thousand dollar bill, or even a one hundred dollar bill when somebody shows it to them in person. They tend to think of it as a work of art or other commodity that has inherent value. Get that thought out of your head right now! Money itself is determined by social consensus, which means that if the US dollar goes down, so does the amount of things you can buy with it. So why worship something that you can never put a true value on? It does not make sense to do something like that, and being able to look at money and see what it really is will free your mind from the stranglehold that acquiring money has on your psyche. Start visualizing money for the true thing it really is: Green Paper! Nothing more, nothing less.
How to earn money the right way Let's examine the different ways money is earned on a day to day basis. A lot of people sell possessions to earn money. If you really hate to go to your job every day, maybe this avenue is right for you. eBay is a good way to sell whatever it is that you feel will earn you some good profit potential, so look into that immediately. Look for and research a market inefficiency that you can fulfill and take the profit from. For instance, if you have a real knowledge of everything that has to do with computer parts, and you know where to get them very cheaply by buying them in bulk, check eBay to see what most of the bids are going for. The best rule of thumb to see if you can generate a good amount of money from those profits is: You paid $50 for 20GB of memory by buying 40 memory chips for $200. Sold the 20GB on eBay for $120 each.
That is more than a fifty percent profit margin, more than enough to earn some good money from those sales, even if you have to buy the memory in bulk. As long as the bids are going for $120, you will continue to make that average so the remaining memory chips can be sold at the same price or even more if that memory chips becomes more of a commodity.
Another way of earning money is by investing any money you have that is not appreciating at all. By that, I mean if you have $500 just sitting around in a savings account that is generating only 2 percent interest, you need to take that money out now and open a low-interest CD account that generates four percent interest every month. Since your amount is only $500, you are not qualified for the higher-earning CD account, but at least it's a start! That's the way you can actually accumulate more money by earning a passive income, which many people believe is the greatest way to earn long term profits.
If you start out right now and are able to develop five lines of passive income coming to you within the next month, by the end of the year you should have at least an extra total profit of $300. And usually passive incomes increase by a ratio of 20 percent every year, so after two years your profit will be up to earning $380 a year on that initial $300 profit. And the best way to grow way beyond that is to find at least three more ways to generate other streams of passive income so the money-making potential increases by forty percent every year. That would translate into an extra $45 in free money for you per month by doing absolutely nothing! Amazing stuff, huh?
Leave the "moocher" mindset behind When you are kid and still living at home, you are expected to live off the earnings that your father and mother bring home every week. But when you reach eighteen and are out of high school, if you still live at home and have your hand out every day demanding the same money that they used to give you when you were in school, you will become what society calls a "moocher". Today, a lot of twenty-somethings still retain this attitude, and the parents don't seem to have a problem with it! These forty year old parents seem to think that it's a lot tougher today for kids to make a decent living, so we'll allow Johnny or Tiffany to stay at home until they can afford an apartment or a house on their own. That is called enabling, folks and it helps absolutely no one if it continues to go unchecked.
The kids who are pampered at home are the ones who are least likely to find a great job and contribute to society. They will still look for handouts from friends, strangers and family every day to supplement their measly incomes or to support their daily video game lifestyles. Don't ever become a moocher, and don't ever give a moocher your hard-earned cash, no matter how much they beg. The best social mindset that you can have today is by contributing a part of your money to a charity organization, not to a lazy twenty-three year old who still lives at home surfing the web 12 hours a day.
These days, its easier than ever to find a job that your son or daughter can excel at as long as they have a good working knowledge of all things connected to the pc and the internet. So don't let them bully you into letting them stay at home until their thirty. Do some job searching of your own and get them out there on interviews if you have to. We all need to make an effort in life to achieve the things we want, and your kids are no different.
I hope this has helped improve the way you earn and view money in the future , and I hope it also will help you to find new ways of earning the profit you need to enhance your lifestyle.
Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to [http://www.perfectwebcontent.com] and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

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