Thursday 11 February 2016

You Already Have the Intelligence, Experience and Knowledge to Easily Become Wealthy

What is it that you want out of life? If you could have anything that you wanted, what would it be? If you could do anything you wanted without fear? What would you do? If you could start any project, and achieve any goal or choice, what would you start?
A mentor of mine was told me that the reason many people don't achieve their goals in life is because they are not honest with themselves regarding what they really want. They don't spend time examining their goals, to find out why they are important.
Many people choose goals regarding career, relationships, and in other areas because they think they should choose them. They think they should choose a certain career, or live in a certain neighbourhood, or follow a certain path in their life, without really taking to the time to examine what it is that they really want.
My mentor explained to me that one deep reason that people choose their goals is for money. Because western society has long taught, through religion and other vehicles, that the pursuit of money is sinful, or less than morally upright, it can be hard to admit to yourself you are doing what you are doing, at least in part, because you want to get paid.
Of course, the idea situation is to get paid doing what you love, but what if what you love doesn't pay very much? For example, most of my siblings, and both my parents are life long teachers. They got into it because of their passion for teaching, but they certainly aren't getting rich.
But what if there was a way you could do what you love, and make enough money on the side to make up for whatever financial shortcomings you may be experiencing?
What if there was a way to make a substantial amount of money on the side, with a little investment of your time?
I'm sure you can realise that there are many ways that you can do this. Many people are doing this. Many people have done this, and many people in the future will do this. More and more are starting to realise that the old belief, "you have to work hard to earn a living," just isn't' true any more.
Of course it's not easy. If it were, everybody would be rich. It takes discipline, dedication, and persistence. It doesn't happen over night. But there are many things you can do to get started now, and with consistent and persistent effort, maybe six months from now, maybe a year from now, you will be consistently making enough money on the side to not ever have to worry again about money.
You will be able to do a job that you truly love with the knowledge that all your bills will be paid, your children's education will be taken care of, and you won't have to save for ten years to go on a nice vacation.
Sure, there are a lot of scams out there, that promise you can get rich overnight. But there are also many more opportunities. And they are only limited by your imagination and how well you follow through.
Wealth is a strange concept. It really is more of an internal game than anything else. The more you believe in yourself and consistently follow through with the right action; your success is virtually guaranteed.
One way, and this way certainly isn't for everybody, is to tap into the financial markets. They are literally trillions of dollars changing hands every day in the markets. And you don't need to be an expert to know what to do. There are many ways to simply copy what other experts are doing, so you can reap the same rewards. It's not nearly as complicated, or risky as you think. The more you learn, the more you will realise that a life changing opportunity is just around the corner. All you need to do is decide to take action.
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