Monday 8 February 2016

How To Become Rich And Enjoy Getting There

If you really do want to become rich, then I will tell you what you should do. You should start by looking at your working lives, your environments and habits
Most millionaires started out this way. Srully Blotnick (1941-2004), a consultant and psychologist, spent 20 years of his life looking at the way in which millionaires made their money. Surprisingly, they did not make their fortune in real estate or the stock market.
Most of them made their fortunes through their chosen professions or businesses. The way they did it was by becoming so good at their jobs, that they made a good deal of their money. That was when they turned to investing in stocks and real estate. But they still kept their original businesses going, producing the bulk of their fortune. Almost like their investments were just hobbies or sidelines.
We can all learn a very valuable lesson from Dr Blotnick's studies. I have learned that if you invest in stocks, property etc. first, you will not become rich, or at least it will take more time, work, effort and an awful lot more problems than if you invest in yourself. Spend time on yourself and your life and reap the rewards later. According to Dr Blotnick, you can split this into two definitive levels:
The first level is when you find a job or a business that you love so much, that you would happily do it for nothing, for free. This is a job where you concentrate all your energy on your business, simply because you love it.
The second level is when you have enough income from your business that you become an investor. You can use your excess income in investments of which ever kind you want, whether it is property or stocks and shares.
To get yourself on the road to wealth, ask yourself the following questions:
Do I really like my job? Do I get as much as possible from my job? Does my job get the best out of me?
If the answer to any of these questions is no then maybe you should change your career.
How can I decide if I am in the right job? Would I do my job for free? Would I do this job if I didn't have to support myself? Would I still do my job if I was terminally ill?
Am I making enough money to live the life I would like? If you are content with your current income and are in a position to make a fortune out of something you love, then keep going and your fortune awaits!
Make sure you invest in yourself first.
Am I making the most of my talents?
Do I know how to develop my skills?
Am I receiving positive feedback and learning from it?
Investing in you means doing all of these things. You will make mistakes but as long as you learn from them, then they are not mistakes, just learning curves. Investing in you means developing yourself in both the technical abilities required, but also in the interpersonal skills that will help you mix with the wealthy people who already live the way you plan to live. Mix with millionaires and copy what they do, and you will begin to have the millionaire mindset they have.
An excellent quote is "If you love your work, and do it well, the quality will speak for itself."
My conclusion is, if you want to become rich do your own thing, your own way. Do something you love to do, give it everything you can. Basically what you put in, you will get out. Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself, with respect and courtesy. Enjoy what you do, persevere and you will enjoy the lifestyle you so richly deserve.
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