Thursday 25 February 2016

7 Secrets Of Wealth Creation

As a property developer and a builder I became wealthy, although it is doubtful if I was truly wealthy in a holistic life sense. If we are considering financial wealth though, I certainly know how to make it and only recently I have considered how the construction of a building correlates to building and becoming wealthy in a truly successful life.
These are the 7 Secrets to Wealth Creation to Become Wealthy
Secret 1:
Clear the land.
It is so important to have the mindset to become wealthy -- past blockages must be removed and a good base laid for the receiving of the methods of getting rich. There are many excellent processes to do this, one of my favourites being Voice Dialogue which is a fun process to know who you are and what is driving your subconscious. There will be a problem in you becoming wealthy if you have blockages from your parents such as 'money does not grow on trees', you will need to change those thoughts to ones of abundance in your life.
Secret 2:
Design the building.
Look at your values and get all the background information needed to design your new wealthy life. It is important that your values, beliefs, and subconscious are all aligned to your wealth creation. Your values need to be aligned to being proud of being wealthy and not considering the wealthy as being people to ridicule or criticise. Is there a reason that you have taken out too much debt, or a reason why you need to spend too much?
Secret 3:
Full documentation prepared.
Get your plan and your goals down on paper. Tackle the issues of debt management and income creation. There is truth in the saying that if you fail to plan it is the same as if you planned to fail. Have a clear strategic plan working all the way through to your ultimate goal. This could be through the process of firstly paying off all bills and credit cards through to having more income in one month than you can spend in a month. Or it could be to pay yourself first 10% of your income working through to 10% of your income being $50,000 per month.
Secret 4:
Program the Works.
Whether you call it a program, a plan or for more graphic people, a map, have a timescale for clearing debts, paying bills on time, pay yourself first and all the steps to your end result in your Becoming Wealthy Plan. Make sure you have achievable targets with clarity in the actions required and the achievement dates.
Secret 5:
Build the Structure.
Ah, now we are getting into the real action. Time to work on the Works Program and take action. Up until now it has been in the planning stage, now is the time to take MASSIVE ACTION and meet the goals for 2010. This is the fun part as you will now see that you are reaching the Wealth Goals set as you reduce your debt, start to build on your income streams and asset creation towards Becoming Wealthy.
Secret 6:
Put on the Roof. It's all gone well and you are now at zero with your debts and the structure of your wealth creation has been built. It has been said, it is easy to make money, but can you keep it? That is why we have a roof, to keep out the rain and to keep safe the people inside. Your roof is to protect your wealth, this is just so important and your must be aware again of any subconscious issue you may have.
Secret 7:
Finishes and landscaping.
Things are looking good, celebrate, have some fun, but remember to help others. We do not really have Wealth unless it can be enjoyed and shared.
The analogy is that building your Dream Home is like building your Wealthy Life, we refer not only to Financial Wealth, but also Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual Wealth. If you Become Wealthy, you can build your Dream Home whilst living your Dream Life in 2010 and Beyond.
You may not have the expertise to tackle all the above or some of the steps in the process. If you need assistance get a wealth mentor or a wealth coach, they can be invaluable to give you the strategies and tactics and to keep you on target.

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